show me your new(er) UI shots

about a week ago after downing prophet velen. only changes that i have made is added threatmeter and a nice chatmod. ill take another when the servers come back up
you get a crazy +dmg buff if a priest MC's a mender(i think thats the name) in botanica. i was like =O

With my mage I just spell steal it over and over again, mana tombs has mobs to steal a spell damage buff from also. And of course the damage aura from Mechanar is brutal, I think it is 535-570 damage every 3 seconds to any mob close to you, and it takes into effect the talents as a fire mage.

A fun one in Shadow Labs in the groups of mobs before Murmur the ones that turn into big dogs you can steal that one, it doesn't do much for a mage because it is a melee attack bonus, faster attacking and something like 500% to attack or something crazy like that but it does help to steal it so your tank doesn't have to deal with it. Can't cast a spell while in that form though :(