Shooting on VA Tech campus

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no way thats 15 minutes. think of the scale here. The first building houses almost 900 people, look at the size of the building. He might run that in 15 minutes, bike it in 15 minutes, but i doubt you could walk that in 15, especially considering thats about wakeup time

maybe that's how long it would take YOU running/biking, but I think most people could walk that 15 mins tops. It's basically a straight line, doesn't look that far.
from some random news story

'an angry young man burst into the dormitory and shot a young woman in what appeared to be a domestic argument. Ryan Clarke, a resident assistant and fifth-year senior from Georgia, tried to intervene. The intruder shot him to death'

doesn't sound very planned. maybe he went home, realized he was fucked and came back to go out columbine style although that doesn't explain the l337 tactical vest and chains
juggs i go to school at tech. I lived in the curved dorm right next to AJ. Its completely possible to get from AJ to Norris in 10 minutes walking briskly. 15 minutes walking average.

I'm going to go ahead and trust link over Mr. Pentagon Missile guy
are you insinuating that the guy who just shot and killed two people may have been groggy ... and thus walking slower? saying that the guy just murdered 2 people in close proximity to almost 1000 people starting their day. He's not going to stroll off into the sunset and nobody say anything. Would you?

Hell no. Campus police, local police are about to swarm the area, someone has probably already seen you..its time to make yourself scarce. You're not walking down the middle of the street with a pocket full of guns, unless you really want to be caught, and that apparently wasnt his intention
why did they resume classes after the 7:15 shooting

someone screwed up big time

That was my initial thought. But what were they supposed to do with students showing up for 8AM classes? I don't think it's reasonable to think they could make the decision and relay the information fast enough to avoid this problem. They send the students back out on the campus? No, they keep them locked down in the buildings which is a problem in itself.

Even if they had gotten an email out and sounded whatever system they had to clear campus immediately, i.e. within 30 minutes of the 7:15Am shooting, you still have students showing up for 8AM classes, the majority don't live on campus from what I understand.

The other thing is that it sounds like police had information that made them believe the gunman was on the run, not roaming campus.
ok juggs, let's say you're right and this guy's fat, out of shape, and really sleepy in spite of just murdering two people, and it takes him 30 minutes to walk a quarter mile.....where do the other 90 minutes go?
from some random news story

'an angry young man burst into the dormitory and shot a young woman in what appeared to be a domestic argument. Ryan Clarke, a resident assistant and fifth-year senior from Georgia, tried to intervene. The intruder shot him to death'

doesn't sound very planned. maybe he went home, realized he was fucked and came back to go out columbine style although that doesn't explain the l337 tactical vest and chains

Yeah didn't he do a bunch of shit to cover his tracks? I'm not sure why since he killed himself anyway, but it sounds like he at least had the first part planned out.
and just so you know link we at ASU are having a candlelight vigil for you guys on thursday night on campus. why 4 days later I dont know but we feel for you
ok juggs, let's say you're right and this guy's fat, out of shape, and really sleepy in spite of just murdering two people, and it takes him 30 minutes to walk a quarter mile.....where do the other 90 minutes go?

He gets some food and takes a nap probably. That what I would do if I just killed 2 people and knew everybody in my vicinity was looking for me.
juggs i go to school at tech. I lived in the curved dorm right next to AJ. Its completely possible to get from AJ to Norris in 10 minutes walking briskly. 15 minutes walking average.

edit: I made it from Cochrane (the curved buidling) to Shultz (not even shown on the map because its so far away--up and to the right from where the map ends) in less than 10 minutes when i was late for work--and i didn't run or anything.

ok, so at 7 in the morning...what kind of foot traffic is happening.

And lets say that at 7 in the morning, you kill 2 people..would there be enough people around to see you do it? to make a positive id?

And if you looked around and saw a couple hundred people looking your way after you just blew a hole through a couple of your school chums...would you briskly walk in a straight line to the place where you plan on popping off the 3-4 clips per weapon you have in your pockets?

I'm just saying that, yeah, the average student may walk that in very little time, but the average student doesnt have 2 smoking pistols in his pocket and a good portion of an entire 800+ person dorm pointing the local cops in his direction
'I don't think my teacher got out' -

In this morning's lecture on solid mechanics in Virginia Tech's Norris Hall, all was quiet except for the sound of Professor Liviu Librescu's voice.

Then came the gunshots -- in the classroom next door. In an instant, a building dedicated to the science of engineering was torn apart by the worst shooting spree in U.S. history.

Richard Mallalieu, a junior in Librescu's course, said he and about 20 classmates instantly dropped to the floor, ducking under and behind desks for what sounded like the first 10 shots.

"It wasn't like an automatic weapon, but it was a steady 'pow,' 'pow,' 'pow,' 'pow,'" Mallalieu, a 23-year-old from Luray, Va., said in a telephone interview with The Sun. "We didn't know what to do at first".

Then the sound of the gunshots shifted. Coming closer.

Their next move became instantly clear: Get out.

Mallalieu said his professor "held the door shut" while several students darted to the windows. Some climbed up on desks, ledges and a radiator cover to pull the screens down and kick at the metal-framed glass. Three windows easily gave way and swung open on hinges as the gunshots got louder.


"It sounded like he was going out into the hallway," said Mallalieu, a civil engineering major.

Once the windows of the second-floor classroom were open, Mallalieu and most of his classmates hung out of them and dropped about 10 to 15 feet to bushes and grass below, he said.

Some students ran immediately to a nearby building. Others waited to help students who were injured by the fall, Mallalieu said.

But then the sound of gunfire filled the classroom they had just fled, sending the rest who had escaped running about 30 yards to Patton Hall, he added.

"I don't think my teacher got out," Mallalieu said.

Librescu, a professor of engineering science and mechanics who was educated in Romania and is a U.S. citizen, could not be reached. As of 4 p.m., his wife had not been able to find him.

"I am looking also. I know that he was shot but I cannot find him," she said in a panic. "How is it possible that a wife cannot know?"

Trying to catch up on this thread and then the news networks, but if this is true than that professor is a hero for staying behind.
ok, so at 7 in the morning...what kind of foot traffic is happening.

And lets say that at 7 in the morning, you kill 2 people..would there be enough people around to see you do it? to make a positive id?

And if you looked around and saw a couple hundred people looking your way after you just blew a hole through a couple of your school chums...would you briskly walk in a straight line to the place where you plan on popping off the 3-4 clips per weapon you have in your pockets?

I'm just saying that, yeah, the average student may walk that in very little time, but the average student doesnt have 2 smoking pistols in his pocket and a good portion of an entire 800+ person dorm pointing the local cops in his direction

Or maybe just a few people witnissed it? Or maybe he killed the only witnesses. Just because the shooting happened at a dorm with 100s of people doesn't mean that 100s of people saw it. Do you think that 800 people live in one single big fucking room?
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