SHOCKER!!! Cheney is STILL getting $$ from Halliburton!

-§trife- said:
Cheney won't become any more or less wealthy due to fluctuations in Halliburton's stock...

That being said, I don't care much for Halliburton being awarded the reconstruction contract on a non-competitive basis.

If he has stock options, and he excercises those options after Haliburton stock goes up, he makes more $, yes?
polemic said:


this is exactly what i was thinking
Imposter said:
If he has stock options, and he excercises those options after Haliburton stock goes up, he makes more $, yes?

Any money made from those options goes directly to charity.
washington post said:
Democrats disputed that because Cheney received deferred compensation of $147,579 in 2001 and $162,392 in 2002, with payments scheduled to continue for three more years.

In response, Cheney's office said he had purchased an insurance policy so he would be paid even if Halliburton failed. And his office also has announced he has agreed to donate the after-tax proceeds from his stock options to three charities.

washington post said:
The liberal group American Family Voices has spent more than $300,000 to run ads about Halliburton's connection to the administration. The group said the commercials are effective for raising money. The ads -- on cable in Washington and on broadcast television in New Hampshire and battleground states of the Midwest -- began last week and will run for at least another week, the group said.

guess when you are attacking a well respected and sucessful politician you have to anchor to some issue in hopes of tarnishing his image. funny how the liberals never squawked at the overwhelming multiple connections and personal interests the clintons had.
honestly, while i'd much prefer that those contracts are bid on, i don't get really riled up about the Haliburton thing. It wasn't a shocker, although I think it was unusually bad politics on the administration's part to not at least make it look fair, considering all the "war for oil" flak they were going to take.
ThrillKillKulT said:
guess when you are attacking a well respected and sucessful politician you have to anchor to some issue in hopes of tarnishing his image. funny how the liberals never squawked at the overwhelming multiple connections and personal interests the clintons had.

Um... what has Cheney ever done to become a well respected and successful politician, other than cower in an Undisclosed Location?
Does it get more OFN then this ? How many times does something have to be proven to be legal, before it is so ?

Democrats are getting a little desperate...
Look, look everyone! Cheney is getting money from his old company on a deferred basis in a legal way! He's evil, EVIL!

Pay no attention to the organized labor man behind the curtain with his hand up the democrat party's ass working the workmans comp strings!