Shattered Horizon $4.99 on steam

That doesn't sound much different from most of the lifespan of Tribes.

If I could get around to upgrading to Windows 7 I'd probably try this out because I already have a DX11 card.
Those fuckers! They have Darwinia + Multiwinia for $3! I got it for $7.50 last week. Oh well, it's a couple of good games.
The problem is that the game was released, dominated by beta players. People like me bought it, played, got my ass kicked night after night for a while, and only got good enough to place middle of the pack by the time I gave up. Went back a couple of weeks later and there were maybe 30 players on at 10pm, all of them vets.

I don't need that kind of abuse. Pretty game, lacked players.
It is a fun game, as long as you're playing on a server that isn't all vets. It's pretty, and it's everything I ever wanted from Tribes - 100% 3D combat.

It runs like a champ on my wife's system, which has a better videocard than my studio PC. Easy 40FPS on an E8500 with a GTS250 from last year. 64-bit Vista.