[shameless plug] Credit Unions Kick Ass


Veteran XV
so ive been working on integrating "web 2.0" communication channels into credit unions and came across this video on a site from Common Wealth CU out of Alberta Canada. I find it hilarious.

couldnt get the damn thing to embed the player...wtf?
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can't embed yet you are "integrating "web 2.0" communication channels into credit unions"

they are in a load of trouble
the "volunteer board" of one of my credit unions decided they wanted to be paid big bucks for their volunteer job, so they switched the credit union to a bank.

eh, fuck you. Like I was automatically supposed to know you have to use only part of the damn URL, why can't we just fucking copy the embed code?
the "volunteer board" of one of my credit unions decided they wanted to be paid big bucks for their volunteer job, so they switched the credit union to a bank.


Yeah, there are a couple of places that have switched, they usually piss people off and lose more than they gain. Fuckers is right. Lost sight of what the whole movement is about. Money hungry bitches.

PS, im not in charge of the actual coding of a site or anything, just getting things rolling and hiring people to do the shit for me.
eh, fuck you. Like I was automatically supposed to know you have to use only part of the damn URL, why can't we just fucking copy the embed code?


I wish we could just copy paste the whole URL.

It's annoying to have to separate the video ID. wtf TW?