Shaman and Priest to e-trade??


Veteran XV
I need to quit, WoW just doesnt wow me anymore.

I have a 63 horde shaman (pvp) and a 60 human priest (rp, no im not gay, but it was a funny 2 months playing there waiting for the xpac). Transferrable. Shammy has about 200g and epic mount. Priest has about 500g and no epic mount. Neither guilded. No bans. No botting. No bad rep. Shaman has 300 herb / 300 chant, Priest has 300 mine / 300 skin.

Not really looking to sell for cash. Was trying to think of other avenues like an e-trade of sorts. What id like is some M$ points for my 360. Maybe something in the $60 range unless I got offered more?? Havent fired up my 360 in awhile, isnt there a way to send other players M$ points?