Shadow Warrior(pc)

Currently $40 on steam, I got it for 10 during the fall sale though. I imagine it'll be on sale at some point again, but even if not this game is hella fun.

I'm about 9 hours in and a little over halfway through. Extremely satisfying length so far. The swordplay is fun (although it can get a bit repetitive), the enemies are a blast to fuck up for the most part (although again it can get repetitive), and the levels are fun to explore.

If you're playing it in small chunks the only real downside (the somewhat repetitive nature of the game) pretty much disappears. The visuals are decent overall, it has tons of jokes that would make Anti-Ryfe lose his mind, and fuck if it isn't fun to play a mindless 90's-style shooter with some more modern mechanics.

Pick this shit up. You won't regret it.

I will admit, it looks fun.

It makes me sad that the remake of Duke Nukem was a pile of shit; easily being my favorite FPS as a kid.
Yeah i played this a few months ago, it was alot of fun. Those sword combos are so fucking money that i rarely used guns. And once you have the full sword, which you only get at the very end, a single sword swing creates those sword blasts. really fucking powerful, but too bad you cant start the game over with that powerup.

i liked the jokes, the plot was pretty good, and the voice and acting of the demon dude was pretty good. I paid $35 and played it for 56 hours, so not bad.