Server Side MidAir script?


Veteran XX
I've done a bunch of google searches and stuff, but drawing a blank here. Was hoping someone could point me in the direction to run a server side script for MidAir's in Tribes 1 (ie, soandso midaired soandso 25 meters). I'm having zero luck finding something for this.

Other thing, at one time our past Tribes 1 LT server, Hackington, had a mod in it that allowed pausing of the game. Useful during pickup's when you find out someone is AFK. Anyone know of a source for this?

Thanks for any and all help I might recieve.
bugs had MA detection didn't he?

I'm sure MA detection exists in other mods that are openly downloadable. You'd just have to find the appropriate code segment.
Actually I found source snippets for the MA detection on the annihilation mod forum. Look for
code referencing the Player::getLastContactCount() function. If they are standing on the ground
it returns 0. If they are in the air its how many "ticks" since they last touched the ground (or
something to stand on).

Unfortunately that code produces a lot of false positives so I spent some time adding code to get
rid of a lot of that. Its not perfect either. There is a more reliable way to do it but it cost too much
in overhead/lag.

The game pause thing I had heard about, kind of argued with the people that claimed to have it
about wether or not they were addressing all the issues they needed to etc. Never saw the code.
I think I found the pause option.

VBLK„ €// Freeze.cs
// v 3.02 - 2004/02/03
// Module for Tribes servers used to pause/resume game. Written as part of FSTAT v2.x, here modified for standalone purposes.
// By Slitz
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ** Install notes **
// 1. Make sure this file is executed during server start.
// 2. Add the menu options (exactly how depends on your server. the following is an example)
// I. Add these lines to function Game::menuRequest under the options menu:
// if(!$freezedata::actice && $matchStarted && $Server::timelimit > 0)Client::addMenuItem(%clientId, %curItem++ @ "Pause game", "pause");
// else if($freezedata::actice)Client::addMenuItem(%clientId, %curItem++ @ "Resume game", "pauseresume");
// II. Add these lines to function processMenuOptions:
// if(%opt == "pause")freeze::start(%clientId); - %clientId is the id of the admin
// if(%opt == "pauseresume")freeze::stop(%clientId); - same as above
// 3. Make other necessary adjustments
// I. Add this line to function processMenuPickTeam:
// if($freezedata::actice && !Observer::isObserver(%clientId))return;
// II. Add this line to function Game::playerSpawn to force joining players into pause
// if($freezedata::actice)freeze::init(%clientId);
// III. Add this line to the top of Game::checkTimeLimit
// if($freezedata::actice){schedule("Game::checkTimeLimit();", 10);return;}
// IV. Make sure paused players can't take damage or die by adding this line at the top of functions Player::eek:nDamage and remoteKill:
// if($freezedata::actice)return;
// V. IMPORTANT STEPS: Make sure stuff is cleaned up when players drop during pause. In Server::eek:nClientDisconnect add these lines:
// if(%clientId.frozen) {
// %player = $freezedata::realobj[%clientId];
// removeFromSet(MissionCleanup,%player);
// deleteObject(%player);
// removeFromSet(MissionCleanup,$freezedata::camId[%clientId]);
// deleteObject($freezedata::camId[%clientId]);
// $freezedata::camId[%clientId] = "";
// }
// Also add this line to Server::eek:nClientConnect to reset the player's paused state:
// %clientid.frozen = false;
// VI. Add this line anywhere in objectives.cs (just to make sure pause mode is reset on mission change)
// if($freezedata::actice)freeze::stopNow();
// 4. Things to consider:
// It's a good idea to force observermode "observerFly" or disable observing all together while $freezedata::actice to keep people from spying on enemy positions
// Do this by eg adding if($freezedata::actice)return; in functions Observer::jump and Observer::enterObserverMode
// You can do a "if($freezedata::actice)return;" in functions like remotePrevWeapon and remoteNextWeapon to make sure things are really frozen while in pause
// If I forgot something, PM me(slitz) in IRC.
// HF etc.

echo ("Running freeze.cs V3.02");

function freeze::reset()
$freezedata::actice = 0;
$freezedata::cnt = 0;
$freezedata::totaltime = 0;
$freezedata::delay = 0; // set to delay in secs from admin starts it to actual activation

function freeze::start(%adminId)

$freezedata::admin = %adminId.usename;

messageAll(0, "The game will be paused in " @ $freezedata::delay @ " seconds...~wmine_act.wav");

Schedule("freeze::all();", $freezedata::delay);

function freeze::all()

$freezedata::actice = 1;
for (%cl = Client::getfirst(); %cl != -1; %cl = Client::getnext(%cl))
$freezedata::starttime = getIntegerTime(true) >> 5;

messageAll(0, "Game Paused.~wsensor_deploy.wav");

function freeze::init(%id)
%weapon = Player::getMountedItem(%id,$WeaponSlot);
$freezedata::realamo[%id] = $WeaponAmmo[%weapon];
$freezedata::realact[%id] = Player::getItemCount(%id, $WeaponAmmo[%weapon]);
$freezedata::realtms[%id] = Client::getTeam(%id);
$freezedata::realpos[%id] = gamebase::getposition(%id);
$freezedata::realrot[%id] = gamebase::getrotation(%id);
$freezedata::realnrg[%id] = GameBase::getEnergy(client::getownedobject(%id));
$freezedata::realvcy[%id] = item::getvelocity(%id);
$freezedata::realcbj[%id] = client::getcontrolobject(%id);
$freezedata::realobj[%id] = client::getOwnedObject(%id);
$freezedata::realfsh[%id] = Player::getDamageFlash(%id);

schedule("freeze::keep(" @ %id @");",0.1);
// echo($freezedata::realpos[%id]);

function freeze::setpos(%id)

function freeze::playerStand(%playerid)
%camobj = newobject("freezeCamStand"@%playerid,"Turret","CameraTurret",false);
addtoset("MissionCleanup", %camobj);
$freezedata::camId[%playerid] = %camobj;

%pos = GameBase::GetPosition(%playerid);
%posx = GetWord(%pos, 0);
%posy = GetWord(%pos, 1);
%posz = GetWord(%pos, 2)-2;
%newpos = %posx @ " " @ %posy @ " "@ %posz;

GameBase::SetPosition(%camobj, %newpos);


function freeze::keep(%id)

if ($freezedata::actice == 1)
remoteeval(%id, CP, "<jc><f0>The game has been paused by " @ $freezedata::admin @ "\n\n<f2>Waiting to be resumed by an admin...");

%id.frozen = true;
//Client::setOwnedObject(%id, -1);
Player::trigger(%id, $WeaponSlot, false);
item::setvelocity(%id, 0);
Client::setControlObject(%id, Client::getObserverCamera(%id));

Observer::setOrbitObject(%id, %id, -1, -1, -1);
Client::setOwnedObject(%id, -1);

Client::sendMessage(%id, 0, "Game resumed. (matchclock adjusted)~wmine_act.wav");

$freezedata::camId[%id] = "";

%id.frozen = false;

client::setcontrolobject(%id, $freezedata::realcbj[%id]);
Client::setOwnedObject(%id, $freezedata::realobj[%id]);
Player::setDamageFlash(%id, $freezedata::realfsh[%id]);
gamebase::setposition(%id, $freezedata::realpos[%id]);
gamebase::setrotation(%id, $freezedata::realrot[%id]);
item::setvelocity(%id, $freezedata::realvcy[%id]);
gamebase::setEnergy(client::getownedobject(%id), $freezedata::realnrg[%id]);

if(Client::getGuiMode(%id) != 1)
Client::setGuiMode(%id, 1);
Player::setItemCount(%id, $freezedata::realamo[%id], $freezedata::realact[%id]);
centerprint(%id, "");



function freeze::stopcommand()
$freezedata::actice = 0;
for (%cl = Client::getfirst(); %cl != -1; %cl = Client::getnext(%cl))
%stoptime = getIntegerTime(true) >> 5;
%totaltime = (%stoptime - $freezedata::starttime);
$missionStartTime += %totaltime;
%curTimeLeft = ($Server::timeLimit * 60) + $missionStartTime - getSimTime();

function freeze::stop(%adminid)
schedule("messageAll(0, \"Prepare to play in 1 second...\");",4);
schedule("messageAll(0, \"Prepare to play in 2 seconds...\");",3);
schedule("messageAll(0, \"Prepare to play in 3 seconds...\");",2);
schedule("messageAll(0, \"Prepare to play in 4 seconds...\");",1);
messageAll(0, "Prepare to play in 5 seconds...~wsensor_deploy.wav");
centerprintall("<jc><f1>Game was resumed by " @ %adminid.usename,5);
// messageAll(0, "Prepare to play in 10 seconds...~wmine_act.wav");

function freeze::posstop(%id)
gamebase::setEnergy(client::getownedobject(%id), $freezedata::realnrg[%id]);

function freeze::stopNow()
and this seems to be the MA check.

//main function
function MidAirCheck(%damagedClient, %shooterClient, %type, %value, %damagedPlayer, %shooterPlayer)
%wav = "~wbutton3.wav";
%extramsg = "";
if(%type == "3" && %value > 0.3 || %type == "4" && %value > 0.34 || %type == "5" && %value > 0.35)
if(isObject(%damagedPlayer) && isObject(%shooterPlayer))
if(%type == 5) {
%distance = "8.0"; }
else {
%distance = " 4.5"; }

if(NotTouching(%damagedPlayer, %distance))
%madistance = floor(Vector::getDistance(GameBase::getPosition(%damagedPlayer), GameBase::getPosition(%shooterPlayer)) + 0.5);
if(%madistance > 0)
if(Client::getTeam(%shooterClient) == Client::getTeam(%damagedClient))
%extramsg = "teammate ";
client::sendmessage(%shooterClient, 0, %wav);
%message = Client::GetName(%shooterClient) @ " mid-aired "@%extramsg@""@ Client::GetName(%damagedClient) @ " from " @ %madistance @ " meters away with "@GetMidairWeap(%type) ;
messageall(0, %message);

function NotTouching(%player, %distance)
if($TDebug && $TeamDuel::Master)
%num = 0;
if(Player::getLastContactCount(%player) > 10)
gamebase::getlosinfo(%player,%distance,"1.57 0 0");
if($los::eek:bject != "") { if(getObjectType($los::eek:bject) == "Player") {%pass = true; } }
if(%pass || $los::eek:bject == "")
%pass = "";
gamebase::getlosinfo(%player,%distance,"-1.57 0 0");
if($los::eek:bject != "") { if(getObjectType($los::eek:bject) == "Player") {%pass = true; } }
if(%pass || $los::eek:bject == "")
%pass = "";
gamebase::getlosinfo(%player,%distance,"0 0 1.57");
if($los::eek:bject != "") { if(getObjectType($los::eek:bject) == "Player") {%pass = true; } }
if(%pass || $los::eek:bject == "")
%pass = "";
gamebase::getlosinfo(%player,%distance,"0 0 -1.57");
if($los::eek:bject != "") { if(getObjectType($los::eek:bject) == "Player") {%pass = true; } }
if(%pass || $los::eek:bject == "")
%pass = "";
gamebase::getlosinfo(%player,%distance,"0 0 0");
if($los::eek:bject != "") { if(getObjectType($los::eek:bject) == "Player") {%pass = true; } }
if(%pass || $los::eek:bject == "")
%pass = "";
gamebase::getlosinfo(%player,%distance,"0 0 3.14");
if($los::eek:bject != "") { if(getObjectType($los::eek:bject) == "Player") {%pass = true; } }
if(%pass || $los::eek:bject == "")
return true;
} } } } } } }
return false;

function GetMidairWeap(%num)
if($TDebug && $TeamDuel::Master)
if(%num == "3")
return "plasma!";
if(%num == "4")
return "a disc!";
if(%num == "5")
return "a grenade!";
You would have to link the midaircheck function, into the playerondamage function, in player.cs. Where did you get this ma code, if you mind me asking.
I took it from the old scripts.vol we used for "the sanctuary" server. (before you say it. no, I'm not going to install the sanc's scripts.vol in the has a few other gay options that I'd rather not use anymore)
Put the player::eek:ndamage function from the sanctuary player.cs file in the autoexec.cs file on the community and see if it works. You might get lucky.
The community has a mid-air notification script already installed. I'm not sure why they need a new one.