Server Now Running New Maps ONLY!!!


Veteran X
Well guys from what I have read lately that some
of you would like a server now that would run new maps
only.. so with that in mind I thought I would give
it one more chance. So I have decided to put up my
~~~ Death Row ~~~ server back up. It will only
stay up and running if ppl play on it.

These are the following maps I will have in
my map rotation only! .... No Betas!

* RollerCoaster
* Scarabrae
* DropzoneWasted
* Gigant
* StormDance

I will Add more if I see ppl using the server.

Now I have all the maps in a map pack for
My server called

Click Here to download ~~~ Death Row ~~ Map Pack!

Also I am running and OC3 connection for my
Redirection Services. Now its only going to
be as fast as "YOUR CONNECTION"

Also The Movement speed has been changed! It runs
about the same as T1/T2 or maybe a bit faster
but its close. For those of us that likes the speeds
of Tribes1 And Tribes2.

Enjoy :)
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Thanks.. I'll try to play on there.. we need servers to start using new maps! <and to stop to using cavern and highlands>

Way to step up T-VET
Psst... I still say you're likely to get more players if you ditch the ~~s.

I generally skip over anything with that junk in the title and I know my buddies all do the same.

Oh, do you have redirect set up?
If so :bigthumb: if not, you should look into it. has got instructions on how you can use their DB as the root for redirects (donno if you can do the same with TW's DB).
Er... why?

Seriously, you are likely to get more players.
How about that redirect? If ya need help setting it up, it's avalible.
BitRaiser said:
Er... why?

Seriously, you are likely to get more players.
How about that redirect? If ya need help setting it up, it's avalible.

Deal with it or Dont Join the choice is yours so Stop your whinning! Geeze!!
Yeah... perty odd.
No one cares that your oddball characters put it on the top of the list when you sort by name. It default auto sorts by ping anyway. Infact, they are less likely to find it if they've been told that Death Row is a good server since they will scan the D section, not find it, scratch their heads, and find somewhere else.

Hell, I'd go so far as to suggest that you might want to think about useing "Death Row (rockin user made maps only!)" as your title. Then people will know what to expect and will drop in even if they have bad ping just to check out maps.

It's really odd that you get all hostial 'n stuff when people try to be helpful.

Once again, how about that redirect? Gonna set it up?

I'm taking interest, 'cause I think you've got a potentail winner, is all.
Calder said:
I remember seeing you whining about people not playing in your server :x

hahahahahaha it sure was not becuase of the ~~ roflmfao!
People were finding the server fine! Nobody sez you have to join it. ok end of discussion!

have a nice day!
T-VET said:
hahahahahaha it sure was not becuase of the ~~ roflmfao!
People were finding the server fine! Nobody sez you have to join it. ok end of discussion!

have a nice day!
You're going on the offensive for no reason. Some of these people are only trying to aid your worthy cause.

Why not try changing the server name to something that suggests that Usermade maps are being rotated?
Reverend Zero said:
You're going on the offensive for no reason. Some of these people are only trying to aid your worthy cause.

Why not try changing the server name to something that suggests that Usermade maps are being rotated?

Well if you would have taking the time to look you would have see that that I did already! as follows!


next time check things out before you speak!
T-VET said:
Well if you would have taking the time to look you would have see that that I did already! as follows!


next time check things out before you speak!
Whoops, sorry there super server toughguy, NEXT TIME I SURE WILL WATCH MYSELF.

id do something like ' custom maps only' for example, but thats just me and im not any variety of server admin... and dunno how the VM folks would like that... point being there's a LOT you can do with a server name... oh well.
T-VET said:
Well if you would have taking the time to look you would have see that that I did already! as follows!


next time check things out before you speak!

Er... no you didn't. I don't see any referance to this in any of your posts. Except this one.

Jeez, ya know I was going to plug the server on several boards, but I'm not sure it that's really a good idea. I'm not cofortable endorsing someone who's acting so remarkably childish. Puts doubt in my mind about the quality of administration that will be going on there.

I think you owe several folks appoligies.
Never gonna happen tho. You seem to be just one of *those* kinda guys.

It's yer ball. Do what ya like with it. Just don't bitch when people don't bother with it.
BitRaiser said:
Er... no you didn't. I don't see any referance to this in any of your posts. Except this one.

Jeez, ya know I was going to plug the server on several boards, but I'm not sure it that's really a good idea. I'm not cofortable endorsing someone who's acting so remarkably childish. Puts doubt in my mind about the quality of administration that will be going on there.

I think you owe several folks appoligies.
Never gonna happen tho. You seem to be just one of *those* kinda guys.

It's yer ball. Do what ya like with it. Just don't bitch when people don't bother with it.

Do what u gota do! cya :)