Sent TV To VUgames For Full Refund!

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Veteran X
Well when I only see 150 players in the list thats pretty said for a game. My Halo server is always full and there are over 1000 users in the server list in Halo and Halo is been out for a year and even with the release of Halo 2 there is still 800-1000 users playing. Not even close to Tribes Vengeance. SO Its time to adios to the Tribes Vengeance.

Well some of you people cannot except that fact that Tribes Vengeance is a failure. As proof below....


Now if I were to asked 373 people about a car I wanted to buy spacfic make and model and 373 told me that make and model was a piece of crap only a effn moron would buy that car after 373 people told me it was a piece of crap!

Same for Tribes Vengeance. Tribes Vengeance is a failure DEAL WITH IT!!! And I dont Really Give a Rats Ass What You Guys Think Of Me!! ROFLMFAO :roller:
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T-VET said:
Same for Tribes Vengeance. Tribes Vengeance is a failure DEAL WITH IT!!! And I dont Really Give a Rats Ass What You Guys Think Of Me!! ROFLMFAO :roller:

And we don't care what you think of the game. Stop posting. Thanks.
If you don't care what people think about you then why do you make such a show of being a 'vet' when you have a member account?
How about learning to spell before unleashing any more of your verbal diarrhea onto the internet. ROFLMAOMFOAMSODLFOSLDFLSDSAD

So why do you shape your oppinion about the game according to other peoples oppinions? As long as there is one full server and you like the game pleayer count doesn't matter.
I can't figure out how to quote everyone following mistar momo.

But yes, amen, please, you know it, right on, etcetera.
You don't like tv, go play minesweeper, but we don't need to hear you whine.

I have a match tonight I think...w00t.
For the first time, I feel compelled to reply to Vet.

Go home son. You are not ready for tough roads in life yet. You don't realize that it takes effort sometimes to get what you want out of life.

The most pathetic part of this thread is that he typed out 'ROFLMFAO' in full. That's just strange... :sick:
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