Search Is Contributor Only

I realized that I'd made an old thread about the SAG strike thats going to happen tomorrow so I cursored up to search and was like where the fucks search and realized that i'd forgotten it was gone a whole 2 minutes after reading this thread. :(

Google search didn't work very well either.. I found the thread but I had to go through a dozen pages doing find text on this page to find it.

Flash sigs were banned because people abused them and caused havoc. They were added back years later to contributors as that would be easier to moderate. Work Safe template was created specifically for contributors.

The only thing that has been taken away is a crappy search engine that only worked if you knew exactly how to use it. It has been replaced with a full text search engine, but limited to only certain users.

Feel free to get righteous about this, but it makes sense in the long run.
  header('location:'. urlencode('site tribalwar: ' . $_POST['query'])); 
I contributed and never got a tag. Boy do I ever regret giving you guys money.
The system is automated when you use the subscription link. Send me the paypal transaction ID if you had a problem and I will make sure it gets resolved.
  header('location:'. urlencode('site tribalwar: ' . $_POST['query'])); 
Surely you can understand why this is not going to be super high on my list of priorities.
First they came for our Flash signatures
and I did not speak out
because I do not use Flash.
Then they came for our work-safe template
and I did not speak out
because I do not work.
Then they came for our Search
and I did not speak out
because I do not use Search.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.


We still have work-safe template. That would go after search.