[Script] Fuck you and your long ass post.

Installed latest version of Greasemonkey.
Enabled it.
Installed new user script from OP.
Added http://www.tribalwar.com/* to the included list.
Not working.

Restarted Firefox.
Still not working.

Tried reinstalling script.
Still not working.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm probably installing it wrong, even though I see it in the list.
Omfg. I was right-click saving the script file and then manually installing it.

Thank you kindly! <3
bane- here is some extra work for the holidays:

Someone needs to write a script that will remove posts based on name -> thread topic title, or thread tags.

triple photography, pictures, photoshop, etc.

Then, every thread with Photography, pictures, photoshop, etc. will auto-remove ( client-side ) all posts by user.

Super Bump

Is NoFix's request doable? Well rather, is there a script or firefox addon that keeps images from loading, so I can choose what I want to load up?
[strike]OK... I give up... how do I edit this thing... I cant find the .js file anywhere to do it manually, and I don't wanna install from scratch[/strike] :shock:

nm found it
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I gotta bump my version.

It's nice to know if someone put in some actual text or just copy and pasted "oy oy oy" for 400 lines before opening the spoiler tag.