SCOTUS Laughs @ Climate Change

So the US government is the biggest polluter in the world. That's why it makes sense to send all of our money to the US government so they can fix the pollution. :shrug:

Hopefully this ruling against the federal regulating agency EPA will also impact the federal regulating agency FDA.
Jesus Christ...

Some global warming retards have glued themselves to the frame of a Van Gogh to stop oil... paintings


*edit - honestly, we should just leave them there. They will get tired of standing or need to shit. This will def backfire.
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Aren't you guys happy now to have a totally unquestionably majority subservient to capital Supreme Court? Watch the rats eat away every little protection you've managed to gain for yourselves. It's what conservatives love to do. If you're working class, shut your fucking mouth.
Resident Kike Parrot letting us know how wrong we are thinking today. Thank you, Komrade! Keep up the good work!
They don't understand, because legislating from the bench has been a hallmark of the SCOTUS for decades. The left had turned the SC to the most powerful branch of the government, able to gin up new constitutional rights out of thin air when they can't get anything they want any other way. They use "settled law" as the basis for further encroachments into our rights, and ignoring original intent of existing constitutional amendments to make their own.

It's finally going back to that original intent of simply determining the constitutionality of a law, instead of inventing new ones. And the left hates it because it was for a long time the failsafe to enacting their agenda.


only when the rivers of gold flow their way


Toxic mine water accidentally released by EPA in Colorado river flows south | Colorado | The Guardian
I hate when I actually waste time reading these things..

"The EPA’s initial tests of the wastewater and sediment in Animus found substances known to be harmful to be human health, including lead, arsenic, cadmium, copper, calcium and other heavy metals “at varying levels,” though at concentrations enough for officials to warn people away from the river. The PH of the water near the mouth of the mine was found to be 4.5, roughly that of beer. Lake water typically ranges from 6.5 to 8.5 on the PH scale."

"It has a 4.5 pH at the mine" -- Who fucking cares?
"It had some substances in it at varying levels" -- What in the fuck kind of information is that? Varying levels? Panic over nothing.

I hate these fucking people.
Well, no. But I figured your shared hatred for Jews and disdain for 'lower-ranked races' would've made you two overcome any other differences.
Well, no. But I figured your shared hatred for Jews and disdain for 'lower-ranked races' would've made you two overcome any other differences.
The two have nothing in common. You live in some fantasy world where race is what dictates someone's political stance, because that's what kikes have told you to think.

He definitely hates kikes, but he's a big government retard, so he falls for the same kike propaganda for different reasons. He thinks "profits" are evil and government officials will care more about people. This is commie nonsense. He's a sucker, like all big-gov dullards before him and to come.

The world has one political spectrum: the size of the government you live under. Wanting more government than an extremely limited one, inevitably puts you right in the hands of commie kikes.
Well, no. But I figured your shared hatred for Jews and disdain for 'lower-ranked races' would've made you two overcome any other differences.

He's a libertarian know-nothing type stuck in the "jews = all" phase, much like a toddler stuck in the anal phase. His brain literally can't process anything but jew. It's all jews, all the time.

In other news, there's a case on the SC docket to give states the right to nullify election results. One of the "justices" is married to an open insurrectionist. I wonder how that's gonna go.

drinking challenge

take a shot everytime blackpeople posts without contributing his own thoughts.