[sci fi]movies


Veteran X
I just watched Contact (1997) - IMDb again for the first time since I was 7, when it came out.

The parts that stuck in my seven year old mind were the cult leader with his funny looking face and long ass hair, and that vibrating chair when the protagonist was falling through the machine.

That chair scared the shit out of me, but after seeing it again I see that it was just kid me freaking out about worm holes and space and stuff.

I also watched Dune (1984) - IMDb about a week ago. I didn't know Sting was in it. I didn't like how they changed the Weirding Way to silly guns that blow stuff up with words. I also appreciate that making a film out of a book like Dune is no easy feat and should probably be done in parts.

Oh well. Post good sci fi movies that you have seen lately. I want to know what is good to watch.
I liked most of pandora, but sometimes it just got so friggn weird and scared me when I was younger

edit: wait shit I was thinking of event horizon. Pandora was alright too though
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ya dune pretty gg, i have watch many version of it.
also not many good sci fi movie around these days, i do not enjoy the new star trek gay stuff.
also moon best sci fi movie of recent time.
Dune has way too much going on. Squeezing all of it into a single movie doesn't work/make any sense. Like, Paul has 5 fucking names that he goes by in that book. Just about everything needs time to be explained to the viewer.

Look at Game of thrones - You essentially have 10 hours per book, and even then a lot of shit is cut out.
Pretty good list here, but like most internet lists there are a bunch of wtf why is that on the list in there. The 100 Best Sci-Fi Movies of All Time - Popular Mechanics

Some that come to mind... Event Horizon, Westworld, 12 Monkeys, Alien, Aliens, 2001 and it's sequels, The Thing (either version minus the prequel that came out recently), Blade Runner, Close Encounters, Fifth Element, The Matrix, The Day the Earth Stood Still
Blade Runner, 12 Monkeys, and Fifth Element are all movies for some reason I want to watch repeatedly.

I think there is some subliminal message in them that my brain is drawn to even though my conscious mind has not deciphered it's meaning yet.

Since the original poster listed movies made in the 80's and 90's (and was born in 1990) I'm guessing he's wanting older movies that he might have missed.

Some that come to mind... Event Horizon, Westworld, 12 Monkeys, Alien, Aliens, 2001 and it's sequels, The Thing (either version minus the prequel that came out recently), Blade Runner, Close Encounters, Fifth Element, The Matrix, The Day the Earth Stood Still

This is a great list, I'd add Predator and Predator 2 to it.
Let's see, I've seen Day the earth stood still, 12 monkeys, and the 5th element a few times each. cube was an interesting yarn, as was looper, but i agree with 1st response that typically recent big budget sci fi is bad. Is it even fair to call that genre sci fi? I think those kinds of movies fall more closely into the realm of action.

Is district 9 any good? i haven't seen that yet...