School Shooting!!!!

old_skul said:
I got into fights almost every single day of seventh grade. 8th grade was better. Seems like basically from 4th grade to 8th grade, life was just hell.

Times haven't changed. There's just been a couple of fucked up things that have happened. Columbine, for one. And today's parents are people who grew up in a society where things seldom went wrong, so they're less tolerant to violence and unhappiness - hence we get metal detectors and cops for schools full of Prozac-enhanced children.

Seldom went wrong? My dad tells me about the shit he went through in high school after MLK Jr. was assassinated... Portland, OR wasn't a calm little town after that according to him.
Glad guns aren't obtained so easily here, or i'd be :scared: for the schoolkids.

If only we could find a way to stop the agression altogether
consultant said:
WTF are they doing in school?? It is summer................oops guess he was a dumbass and in summer school? Might explain some of this. Sad deal anyway you look at it.

Most schools end this week...
It's not the fact that guns aren't easily obtained, I'm sure most households have guns from their parents being hunters possibly or just for self protection. If all fucking parents with guns would lock them up somewhere, some of the shit related to this wouldnt happen.
MadeInJapan said:
Isn't that four?

he brouht three rifles, two shotguns and two handguns

that's 7 isn't it?

do they teach reading comprehension and math in school anymore?

old_skul said:
I got into fights almost every single day of seventh grade. 8th grade was better. Seems like basically from 4th grade to 8th grade, life was just hell.

Times haven't changed. There's just been a couple of fucked up things that have happened. Columbine, for one. And today's parents are people who grew up in a society where things seldom went wrong, so they're less tolerant to violence and unhappiness - hence we get metal detectors and cops for schools full of Prozac-enhanced children.

What shit hole place did you grow up in? I'm 35, sure wouldn't have been tolerated at the schools in my little old hometown.
Putrid said:
he brouht three rifles, two shotguns and two handguns

that's 7 isn't it?

do they teach reading comprehension and math in school anymore?

shhh i wanted to see if anyone else got it asshole
HOLY FUCK!? that's 10mins from my house :(

edit: No it's not, I forgot 287 is an interstate highway, and that Butler was the school name not the town ves.
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V|ntage said:
It's not the fact that guns aren't easily obtained, I'm sure most households have guns from their parents being hunters possibly or just for self protection. If all fucking parents with guns would lock them up somewhere, some of the shit related to this wouldnt happen.

That's what I mean :) I live in england. No guns in 99% of households.
well old skul, i think that if you got in a fight everyday when you were in school then times have changed, i go to a school of almost 3,000 and im just finishing third year there and i myself have seen 2 maybe 3 fights, only one were they actually hitting eachother, the others were two people trying to go after the other but faculty holding them back. I bet there are less than 10 fights at our school, and a year or two ago we started getting inner city kids (mostly black) to be bussed to our school and there still havent been anything that has happened. I have never heard of anyone bringing any sort of weapon to school but im sure there have been a few cases of a knife or something. SO yeah, i dunno, i guess you just go to some crappy school that has that happen a lot
my school was cool cos the muslim element would cut the hindu element and the sikh element would sit back and watch it all

and then the whiteguys just got rioted on :eek:
How do you shoot yourself behind the ear?

Or more specifically, WHY would you shoot yourself behind the ear.

Most suicides go for the temple or under the chin.

I can't see how a little kid would hold a 45 in such a way that it felt comfortable to put the barrel behind his ear. (I watch too much CSI, I need to see a re-creation.)
Bloodshot said:
he's a pussy if he commits suicide. he can't handle with the real world so he had to kill himself. sad.
Have you ever considered suicide over something serious? Remeber that 6 year old kid that came to school and shot some little girl. Extreme situations can fuck with peoples heads.

And I know you were pissing and shitting yourself when your mom told you she threw away your barbie dolls, but thats not as bad as some people have it.