Scary things I learned in my job training today about food you buy

liggyman said:
I can say that some things about eggs are true... the cartons with the cracked eggs are taken to the back, and then like once every 4-6 months repackaged into fresh clean cartons.

I started buying eggs with the best before date printed on the eggs shortly there after.

Well back in the day when I worked in a grocery store, shelf space was at a premium. Things that do not sell do not sit. Also, margins are extremely low, so anything sitting around is just tying up money.
WarAngel said:
I don't know if the percentage is that high...but I do know a large percentage of chickens are infected. That is why they are so psycho about cooking it thoroughly and cleaning up the utensils etc you use in preparing it (i.e. not using the same cutting board for veggies that you cut up the chicken on).

Chicken factory farming is disgusting.

It is that high and yes make sure you cook your chicken to 165 degrees internal.
liggyman said:
apperantly if they are kept at a consistent temperature they can keep. But a home fridge can't do that cause everytime you open it all the cold air rushes out the bottom.

this is before they ever make it to the store, before they even go to a packing house. and they are kept at a constant 33 degrees. now i do not have proof of this atm, but on i am trying to get it, and this is all coming from a very reputable person with over 30 years experience in the business...but i will try to find incontravertable proof