Saw a Pre Screening of new Transformers


Veteran XX
-First 3rd of the movie was very entertaining. Good laughs, cheap laughs, a little action and a little character development.
-Second 3rd of the movie is some explosions, a whole bunch of filler.
-End of the movie, incredibly anti climactic and dull plot line

Got to see it for free and boy was I glad I didn't pay. The character development is horrible. Why harp on that??? because there are about 30 characters that they are trying to give face time to.

It's saying something when you enjoy the Shia scenes more than anything else, the dude could actually develop into an actor I enjoy watching someday.

The special effects and the story line were meh at best. Really nothing new brought to the table on either front. The 3D really didn't do anything for me and I remember the sound effects in the previous films to be better. I could just be being cynical because I wasn't a huge fan of the other films but people stood up and clapped at the end of this...for what?
Forgot to add, the Decepticons actually kill humans and they show it. This one was definitely a lot darker than the others.

Yes I understand the expectations of a shit plot but the explosions were meh at best. There was only 1 cool scene and it involved a building, otherwise it was all rinse and repeat.
Fuck shylock lejew and Michael bay. If I were to ever have the opportunity to punch either in the face with impunity it would be a dream come true.
Does the megan fox character remain the same even though its a different actor? I don't recall what happened at the end of part 2 I fell asleep
First Page.

Waiting for this thread to TRANSFORM into something big.

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I will see it just because the mess they made on Michigan Ave. and Wacker Dr. in Chicago was pretty damn epic. I visited the set on a lunch break a few times the week they had the streets blocked off, since it was like 2 blocks from where I worked. I'll be damned if they didn't dress the street up like it was world war 3. Michael Bay's movies might be shit on screen, but their set designers are amazing. I was very impressed.
Great, so it's another humans movie instead of robots kicking the shit out of each other for 2 hours.

Hey, Shia LaBeouf is an amazing actor, alright? You should feel honored to see him more than the Transformers in a Transformers movie. You are being treated to probably one of the best actors of our generation. Probably the entire universe, and like all generations ever. That's a lot of generations and people. That's really good.

I just wish they had a few scenes of LaBeouf killing some Decepticons. Like maybe with a cool gun, or maybe a sword. Maybe he could like do some parkour on a few buildings to get up to one, and rip off his head. That would be pretty cool. Then we can switch to Optimus Prime or something so he can tell us blah blah blah, SHIA FUCKING LABEOUF.