Salma has still got it.

One of the best body's in Hollywood

Also why can't I put my finger on the name of the song at 30 seconds? It's on my HD somewhere.

This thread has Salma Hayek gyrating around a pole (hopefully not a double) and you guys are taking about tehvul being gay...
There's a difference between being gay and being a complete fucking faggot. I have nothing against gays. Tehvul is a fucking faggot, and I wish he would eat lead paint.
Definitely still has it, great actor and great body.

There's a difference between being gay and being a complete fucking faggot. I have nothing against gays. Tehvul is a fucking faggot, and I wish he would eat lead paint.

Well put, good sir!
This thread has Salma Hayek gyrating around a pole (hopefully not a double) and you guys are taking about tehvul being gay...

I guess I am not the only queer here when they are talking about me when they should be frapping to this.
