Russia's new president: The Bear

I really wanted that chess master guy to do good after I saw him awhile ago on Bill Maher. I knew hew wouldn't win though. In a perfect world maybe
I dunno, what exactly makes a chess master a chess master?

i think there are actually 2 ways.. one is points based. Which i think is the american way. but in the rest of the world you actually have to beat 3 existing chess masters in ranked tournaments within a 3 month window to become a chess master. Or something to that effect. Obviously sometime in history they must have said "okay everyone over rank X is a chess master" to start it off. But that is pretty much how it is now.

i don't know much about it.. i just caught a story on the radio a few weeks back where a guy became the youngest ever one to become one.. some 19 year old who got a wild card into a tourny, and then won (beating a master) and then played in another one and beat two masters or something.