Russia defeats all 4 or 5 USA trained "soldiers" in syria

Not only that, but that Iranian attack ship should be arriving off the US mainland any day now!!!
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conveniently right when our military is at historically low levels of readiness

obama is not on our side.
u couldnt like post this in the russia syria thread could you

or quote my post there saying the same thing

i wonder what happened the last time russia went to war against a us backed insurgency?
We got a neat movie called Lord of War and a boring movie called Charlie Wilsons War.
Is this still about oil? I'm not up to date on this whole Syria thing. Why do we care if Russia wants to kill Syrians?
Is this still about oil? I'm not up to date on this whole Syria thing. Why do we care if Russia wants to kill Syrians?

Dick measuring contest. Russia's finally grew back and now we are mad we aren't the only ones flopping around for the world to see.

This is also their largest foreign opp since the cold war.
Is this still about oil? I'm not up to date on this whole Syria thing. Why do we care if Russia wants to kill Syrians?

There are 3 main factions (there are other splinter groups) fighting in Syria.

1. We have Assad, who is the 'legit' ruler of Syria. (brutal dictator)
2. We have the "Free Syrian Army", who are the rebels against Assad.
3. We have ISIS.

The US is supporting the rebels, who are fighting Assad and ISIS. (I would not be surprised if the rebels are being funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar as well)

Assad asked Russia, it's ally, for assistance against the rebels/ISIS. Also allied with Assad is Iran. So Russia/Assad are fighting the rebels/ISIS.

ISIS is fighting the rebels/Assad.

I see the end result as Russia getting a base/port in Syria once Assad/Russia knock out the rebels and ISIS. There will then be international pressure to hold Assad as a war criminal, Russia will agree and then it will get to pick a Russia 'friendly' ruler who will be a puppet to Russia and Russia will increase it's power and influence in the middle east.
Dick measuring contest. Russia's finally grew back and now we are mad we aren't the only ones flopping around for the world to see.

This is also their largest foreign opp since the cold war.

Chechnya 2 was Russian Fed's largest deployment

2nd was Georgia

They have not done anything big in Syria yet...YET
Is this still about oil? I'm not up to date on this whole Syria thing. Why do we care if Russia wants to kill Syrians?

Qatar wants to install a puppet regime in Syria that will allow them to build a pipeline which will enable them to sell lots and lots of natural gas to Europe.

Assad is helping to block the flow of natural gas out of the Persian Gulf into Europe, thus ensuring higher profits for Gazprom.
Iranian Ground forces number at 15,000.

I wonder how well they think they will do against ISIS early on and then later on when the insurgency that will follow claims soft targets.

Russia and Iran better think what they are getting into. They are just creating a bigger central point for Jihadi's to focus on to. Like sugar for ants.

Israel must be shitting their pants right now. All it would take is for some Iranian's to set up a cruise missle with a nuke on the tip and wham...bye bye Israel.