Running free

there's something fun about posting on TW while fucked up on various substances

you don't do it EVERYTIME but once in a while is highly entertaining

One time back in college I was rolling so hard after coming home from a party that I couldn't see the letters on the keyboard well enough to enter my password for like 45 minutes
Maybe if we're lucky will get an OD and no more posts. My guess however is he doesn't have the balls to do any heavy shit.

He's either coked out or high off pot.

He won't be a John Doe unless he loses his fingers. His prints are on record.

Yeah, wishful thinking on my part.

I'd mention dental records but I doubt his hillbilly swamp ass has ever been to a dentist anyway.
Data making things up...probably to help establish some sort of self worth in his horrible forever bound virgin life.

Funny how data and xcurs talk the most shit but never post pics.

I'm fucked up right now on my way to myrtle beach.

Because I have a life.
actually myrtle beach is pretty fun

you wouldn't know that though because you're a sociopathic pedophile shut in
Is Myrtle Beach where you meet your boyfriend dumb0 juan to suck him off in a motel?
Um, since I'm not as socially akward/sheltered as you data, I can go out of town and stay longer than just a day.

But I understand you being uncomfortable being away from your anime plastered basement for a weekend.....

:lol: no I don't
People who aren't coke addicts have jobs that they need to show up to on Fridays. You might be able to relate to that if you'd ever held one.

I just spent the weekend in St. Augustine. Don't act like you know me.