[Ruh Roh] Drudge: McCain Supports attacked and Mutilated-B carved into face [shock]

Well like I said I am a conservative, and I believe in conservative ideals. Of course, there hasn't been a solid conservative candidate in quite some time. I can see how that would lead you to believe that I love McCain. Of course however he isn't a conservative...
Well like I said I am a conservative, and I believe in conservative ideals. Of course, there hasn't been a solid conservative candidate in quite some time, I can see how that would lead you to believe that I love McCain. Of course however he isn't a conservative...

that's cool. stop acting like a mccain fanboy then.
I don't think questioning the background of a presidential candidate makes me a fan boy of one side or the other.

It works like this:
A - Badbofo likes Obama
B - Badbofo likes <insert name>

If A' then B

Clearly it is a given.
It's because he denied knowing him, then denying knowledge of his past, then stating he had thought he was reformed, to saying that he didn't work with him that much anyway.

When you tell the truth, you're story doesn't tend to change that much.

That's what is troubling to me.

So the mccain campaign has brainwashed you into believing him and Ayers sat down and planned terrist plots when Obama was 8 I guess.
Well like I said I am a conservative, and I believe in conservative ideals. Of course, there hasn't been a solid conservative candidate in quite some time. I can see how that would lead you to believe that I love McCain. Of course however he isn't a conservative...

Gosh, you sound so open minded and principled!

But when you act like a fucking partisan retard, spreading the most absurd anti-obama distortions and lies... pardon us for just writing you off as a douchebag.

I am not a democrat. I supported Mccain until i realize he didnt stand for his own principles... and trashed the basic tenets leading me to support him.

Obama is the better man and the better candidate.

I'd have loved to see a TRUE moderate, fiscal conservative... but it didn't happen.
It's because he denied knowing him, then denying knowledge of his past, then stating he had thought he was reformed, to saying that he didn't work with him that much anyway.

Thread after thread... you just repeat the same old bullshit lies and distortions.

Stop being such a fucking tool of silly character assassination attempts. All this "waaaah, we have serious questions and obama hasnt answered them honestly" crap is total fucking sensationalist, fear mongering BULLSHIT.

Just like the millions of phone calls about how he's pallin around with terrorists. It's not even remotely honest.
So the mccain campaign has brainwashed you into believing him and Ayers sat down and planned terrist plots when Obama was 8 I guess.

you're not taking this seriously!!!

obama is anti-white and has a LONG history of radical affiliations, mentors, etc.

he has tried to lie about this past and the librul media hasn't looked into it.
Um, if I may interject on the subject of this thread,

We went to a halloween party last night. There was some chick there dressed in a gray hoodie with a makeup black eye, and a backwards B on her face in red. We laughed our asses off.

Sass and I both went dressed as Harry Potter. Next week we might go as Harry Potter and Hermione, and fuck with people's heads (because you know there's something to the idea of Harry fucking Hermione).