RIP Steve Irwin =(


omg so sad...saw it last night on the news :(
apparently a stingray punctured his heart
Irwin? The guy that died last night? From the incident underwater? Through the heart and whatnot? With the crocodiles?
This this thread about Steve Irwin?

I saw that too they said it was a freak accident, 1/1,000,000 chance. My whole day is ruined.
Irwin? The guy that died last night? From the incident underwater? Through the heart and whatnot? With the crocodiles?


he was fucking awesome

apparently a couple of days ago they were filming at the great barrier reef and shit got real
noooooooooooo!! say it isn't so!! not again!! always comes in 3s.

and what the fuck did he think was gonna happen trying to grab on to the back of a giant stingray? fucking moron.