
The Minnesota jail records are showing the majority of the arrested are from MN.
Go figure. That number is not as high as you would expect, though. Because they weren't really arresting many people.

Twin cities mayors, Minnesota governor walk back comments about out-of-state protestors

St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter (D) Saturday evening walked back his comments from earlier in the day claiming that “every single person” who was arrested Friday night from protests over the killing of George Floyd was from out-of-state.

Carter said in a joint press conference with Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (D) and state Gov. Tim Walz (D) that the information he had received regarding the arrests made in St. Paul Friday night was inaccurate.

Walz said that officials should be able to get a better idea of which arrested protestors were from out of state or not after tonight.

"Whether they're from Minnesota or not, if you're out there doing that at night, you're not sharing these values, you're not sharing who we are."

The governor also urged Minnesotans to follow the imposed curfew, which goes into effect at 8 p.m. local time.

Twin cities mayors, Minnesota governor walk back comments about out-of-state protestors | TheHill

Damn you facts...
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Some cities with rioting

Minneapolis, Minn.
Mayor Jacob Frey (D)

Detroit, Mich.
Mayor Mike Duggan (D)

Portland, Oregon
Mayor Ted Wheeler (D)

Los Angeles, Calif.
Mayor Eric Garcetti (D)

Memphis, Tenn.
Mayor Jim Strickland (D)

Chicago, Illinois
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot (D)

Atlanta, Georgia
Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D)

Washington, D.C.
Mayor Muriel Bowser (D)

Denver, Colo.
Mayor Michael Hancock (D)

New York, N.Y.
Mayor Bill de Blasio (D)

Albuquerque, N.M.
Mayor Tim Keller (D)

Fontana, Calif.
Mayor Acquanetta Warren (R)

Columbus, Ohio
Mayor Andrew J. Ginther (D)

Houston, TX
Mayor Sylvester Turner (D)

Phoenix, Ariz.
Mayor Kate Gallego (D)

Louisville, Kentucky
Mayor Greg Fischer (D)

St. Louis, Missouri
Mayor Lyda Krewson (D)

Las Vegas, Nevada
Mayor Carolyn Goodman (I)

Oakland, California
Mayor Libby Schaaf (D)

Philadelphia, PA
Jim Kenney (D)
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it's those damned republicans and their city cops that are causing all of this!!!!
I'll get u some yeezys no

the cops done lost they mind today so expect the rioting to get worse
It's rather nice living in homogeneous sparsely populated white Montana (with some Natives mixed in). I think the black population here is 1/10th of 1%. All of this shit going down seems so alien... may as well be happening in another country. Hell, I think we've only had around 500 cases of coronavirus too.
you guys are some sad mother fuckers. At least ive gotten laid, and always will get laid more than mascara wearing reggs LOL \

but for real you guys are pathetic. I mean the guy above me linked a facebook video
Fuck if I didn't get so fat since the gyms closed and I was forced to work in a hospital for 72 hrs a week I'd be tryna get a new pair of sneakers right now

Quarantine has made people lose their fucking minds
You can go out in the day time and everything is peaceful. It's night time when the rioting starts. These cities need to have the national guard deployed with tanks defending the police stations.

If I was a store owner I would board up like a hurricane is coming. Then guard the store with a mob of armed people. I'd have bright lights shining with a bunch of cameras rolling saying everyone is going on the internet. Then the black mob would suddenly act innocent. Didmdu nuffin.
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