RFID Tags in $20s Or Foil Helmet Time?

uh, how can the government track the 20s to tell who has what? Since when did you have to show ID to the cash in your pocket?
To be honest, I'm not sure how any of this tracking would or could work. I don't particularly care, I just thought it was interesting.
It for when you go through security check points.

So they can monitor how much cas you are carrying.

Example. Terrorist walks through the air port with 50 in cash, he is profiled along with other search criteria. and his profile is triangulated against a template.
Faces name ages race....

This subject is ofn and these paranoid people need to go hide out in the mountains with all the right wing nutcases in their uinibomber shacks.
triple said:
uh, how can the government track the 20s to tell who has what? Since when did you have to show ID to the cash in your pocket?

If they so wanted they could track them when they are given to people from banks or ATMs, and then when given to the clerk at Wal-Mart or some shit.

I don't know what the fuck it solves or how the fuck it stops counterfeiting (besides the fact that its probably difficult to make transponders in counterfeiting), or what the fuck the purpose is.

Just seems like a government waste of resources.
This is stupidity. Go microwave a 20 dollar bill for 30s... nothing happens. On the other hand, microwave any piece of paper for a long time, and you should get burn marks like those whereever the microwave's focus is aimed.
Drakar said:
I'd love to watch them get laughed out of the bank.
Wrong, they are required to replace damaged bills.

A bill isn't money. It's a piece of paper saying you have this money. You still have the money, you just need a new piece of paper.

That and there is a law that says you can get damaged bills replaced.
Zoolooman said:
This is stupidity. Go microwave a 20 dollar bill for 30s... nothing happens. On the other hand, microwave any piece of paper for a long time, and you should get burn marks like those whereever the microwave's focus is aimed.
That's what I was thinking. They never microwaved $1 to show what happens with them.
I don't know how this stops counterfeiting either. I know how I stop counterfeiting from coming to me. I check the little strip inside.

20s, it's about 1/2" from the left edge
50s, it's on the right of grant's (?) head
100s, it's about an inch or so from the left edge.