Remember that crackpot Burzynski you all thought the FDA was oppressing?

Hey, fuck, if it works then inject them all with piss.

I think, without having read the article, that it MAY be slightly more complicated than 'I piss into a syringe and jab it into you' though?
Yeah, tbh, whatever, it's so difficult and shit to work out who is actually fraudulent and who is genuinely being prosecuted for being innovative with shit like this.

Generally speaking, legal threats over the internet tend to scream "I AM FULL OF SHIT"
jesus christ, the "lawyer" can't spell and has atrocious grammar

the blogger needs to proofread his shit better
He isn't a lawyer, never says he is, only that he "represents" Burzynski & Co. ... and tries way too hard to sound like a lawyer.

But yeah, both of their writing is atrocious.
Hey, fuck, if it works then inject them all with piss.

I think, without having read the article, that it MAY be slightly more complicated than 'I piss into a syringe and jab it into you' though?

It isn't. Substitute jab it into a syringe with using an IV drip and you have it.

There isn't a lawyer on either side of the fence. The guy is a PR person for the nutjob "doctor."