Remember Dimitri The Lover? He has been locked up twice now fighting the Jew.


Veteran XX
Dimitri set the old internet ablaze with his seduction strategy years ago, as some of you might remember:

Well since then, he has ran for office under his real name James Sears, then became Editor of Your Ward News, a print newspaper for local Toronto news in Canada. He's gotten in trouble over and over again for anti-semitism and even had to go to court because he was the first ever Canadian to be charged with hate speech against women.

He got out of prison after this, was on probation, then got sent back because he said anti-Semitic stuff. Here is a long form interview of him. Pretty interesting guy. I don't agree with everything he says, but Canada would be MUCH better off if he was PM.

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lol i met this guy irl a few times and have talked to him on the phone

he is sometimes really nice sometimes really racist from what I've seen

think he's being mob extorted
4 waves of feminists-
wave 1 got the right to vote
wave 2 women burn their bras and think they have rights
wave 3 women wanted equality in the workplace
wave 4 want to bring foreign men over to replace white men cause spite

either reggs is the biggest troll which i would actually respect, or he literally married his sister because no women would ever have sex with a guy who thought like this

and im only 3 minutes in
Following complaints from female patients, Sears' medical licence was revoked by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario in 1992 after Sears pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault
tbh if this dood can get me out of incel hell i'm all about making him a contributing editor here at tribalwar gaming news