[Religion] "I want my kids to decide for themselves"

my parents did this. i consider myself an atheist.

when you approach religion with an honest and open mind w/o having the delusion that "it's so because they say it's so" it's quite simple to see what a joke it is -- even at a very young age.
my parents did this. i consider myself an atheist.

when you approach religion with an honest and open mind w/o having the delusion that "it's so because they say it's so" it's quite simple to see what a joke it is -- even at a very young age.

I disagree, your parents probably weren't real believers and just followed it like laws that were not to be broken. This is how JW and Mormon parents raise their kids, except they know they will screw up so they end up drilling it into them hard, which is why these people can grow into their 20's and 30's believing the same rules...

The bible teaches to keep your family in order. None of it's teachings are extreme (in the context of this topic). If you misinterpret some of what Jesus said to be hateful or destructive, take a look at the apostles. They would contradict each other. (this is because of misunderstanding on the readers part)

A real part of you has to go into death. I believe this can only be done by Jesus himself, and when you start teaching rules, you can only go so far. I mean, nobody wants their kids to be drunks or whatever. Everybody teaches their kids this, or any decent parents.

But like anything from the world, it can be broken by the world. That's why prayer has also been given because it will break any hold the world has and any problem it poses. The bible + rules + teachings - prayer = fail.

What kind of environment were you raised in?

The afterlife is something everybody ponders, but christians have made heaven so exclusive and hell so damn miserable it's a joke. A lot of people have stopped going to church because of that. When I die, if I lived a decent life, I should be rewarded, whether I believed in a cosmic jewish zombie or not.

The concept of no despair and sadness in heaven is itself a fallacy. If a person dies and goes to heaven, but their son, sister, or parent dies and goes to hell, they would be sad (unless they hated that family member). In order for heaven to be a place where everything is good and there is eternal happiness, it has to be fully inclusive, since the human race is all connected as a 6 billion member extended family.

Hell was the reason I quit going to church. Unless you raped children, murdered, or led a life of nothing but shitty choices and trying to make everyone around you miserable, you shouldnt end up in hell. Fuck that.
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The bible teaches to keep your family in order. None of it's teachings are extreme (in the context of this topic). If you misinterpret some of what Jesus said to be hateful or destructive, take a look at the apostles. They would contradict each other. (this is because of misunderstanding on the readers part)

ok so tell me how I'm misinterpreting or misunderstanding the book of Leviticus.
ok fngr, this means you will teach christian values without presenting bible or god as truth rather as literary engines and parables. im all for that. otherwise its brainwashing and you're a dumb hypocrite.
Let me put it another way: how is the book supposed to be interpreted? How do you know?

They way I take it is that God has stringent requirement for man to abide by in order to enter into inheritance. This book though, applied only to sons of Moses, which *should* apply to us, but because it has been fulfilled by Jesus, we no longer have to worry about these sacrifices / rules. (as instructed by Paul, and affirmed by the Lord.)

besides, they didn't even apply to Gentiles at the time. Gentiles mean people who were not born of Israel, that is, Muslims and pretty much anyone not Israeli by descendant.

This is why Jesus spent time in hell saving them before his resurrection.

I believe the book of Leviticus is one of many books which would bring a deeper understanding to those who seek it in God.

Not sure what else to say.

Billy Graham seemed to believe that the Jews didn't have to know Jesus. Figure that out. There is substantial evidence for it, but maybe this law still applies for them.
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Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
They way I take it is that God has stringent requirement for man to abide by in order to enter into inheritance. This book though, applied only to sons of Moses, which *should* apply to us, but because it has been fulfilled by Jesus, we no longer have to worry about these sacrifices / rules. (as instructed by Paul, and affirmed by the Lord.)

I believe the book of Leviticus is one of many books which would bring a deeper understanding to those who seek it in God.

Not sure what else to say.

Billy Graham seemed to believe that the Jews didn't have to know Jesus. Figure that out. There is substantial evidence for it, but maybe this law still applies for them.

the question is how do you know?... you dont, you can only believe. and therein lies the problem.
Far be it from me to tell you not to worry yourself over your children's choices when it comes to the fate of their immortal soul. There are mch more compelling reasons to call you a stupid faggot, and if your children would be better off being raised in someone else's Christian home because you're a self-professed drunk and cannot be trusted. Your intentions are good, you're just not following through to really look out for their best interests. I'll pray for their future tonight.
I would rather my children not be deluded and believe in imaginary fairy beings other than benign things like santa and the easter bunny. What kind of parent would I be if I forced my kids into believing something that I think is a joke? I want my kids to decide for themselves based on facts and not some brainwashing they were forced into as children.

And if you're opinion is that raising my kids to believe in science is somehow brainwashing, you're [ad hominem] an idiot [/ad hominem]. Science is willing to be proven wrong and improved. Religion is inflexible.

But whatever, you're just a drunk troll.
Religion is and always will be tricky shit. Historically, it has done great good and great evil. I was raised Christian, but the faith never sat well with me. That being said, I can easily early see man bringing themselves together to create a greater society by means of faith in something greater then themselves.

It would appear that all peoples across the world do this in some way or another, and through their own intrinsic value certain rules seem to spring up all of their own accord. Do not kill. Do not steal. Do not rape. Do not lie. All of which make perfect(if subjective) sense in a high majority of all social interactions. The existence of those rules across the board and the changes in their applications due to overall human social evolution is the most compelling reason for me to believe in some higher power.

Whether such a higher power could ever be comprehended by a single human mind is beyond my ability to rationalize. So, there is no way for me or anyone I can think of, to definitively say who has the right or wrong of what is spiritual. I simply try to live by the rules that seem most reasonable to me and the society in which I live. I do believe that it is the responsibility of a parent to instruct their children in moral and conscience. And, knowing that children learn most when being lead by example set by their parents, I intend to set an example of doing good and just things, not because there is a great punisher in the universe, and not because there is some grand reward at the end of life, but because it is simply the right thing to do.

I dot not truly expect anyone to read my wall of text, nor do I intend on changing anyone's beliefs, but writing things out helps put things in order in my mind. Truly, if there ever was a topic worth putting to order it is the manner in which one intends on representing your moral and conscientious guidelines to your children. It seems to be, not a matter of religion, but of a creed for surviving in society.
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