reggs can u send me a sata cable pls


My old computer was SATA. It no longer works, but there's your cable, sata to sata. Back in the day it was a very fast machine. I even had a Sata tape drive to back it all up, that's what the gray cable was for.
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My old computer was SATA. It no longer works, but there's your cable, sata to sata. Back in the day it was a very fast machine. I even had a Sata tape drive to back it all up, that's what the gray cable was for.

did you play csgo on this rig ? no wonder the kids were owning u
I never liked sata cables. I always feel like I'll break something when I plug them in. Connections with those friction securing pins are always a risk.

Hard drives had moving parts for too long too. Solid state should have been made much sooner.

My old computer was SATA. It no longer works, but there's your cable, sata to sata. Back in the day it was a very fast machine. I even had a Sata tape drive to back it all up, that's what the gray cable was for.

You sure that wasn't PATA and IDE for the tape backup? We're still using SATA in new equipment.
SATA on top, IDE with a grey connector and PATA with the blue connector