[redsox] I love that dirty water Aw, Boston, you're my home!

Diablo Escobar

Veteran XX

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the OFFICIAL Red Sox Victory Thread!!!

Thats right, we're playing the Red Sox victory song, and celebrating an end to a rough week in Red Sox Nation. Fuck the Cubs fans and Terra's weaksauce cubs win thread. I'm gonna outdo him. I figure the sox are going to win over 100 games this year, and the Cubs won't, so we'll spot the Cubs fans a head start and beat them by having more victories to post about.

Current AL East Standings: May 6th, 2004
Team                   W   L   PCT GB
RED SOX              17  11 .607  -- 
New York             16  12 .571   1 
Baltimore             13  12 .520   2.5 
Toronto               10  18 .357   7 
Tampa Bay           9   18 .346  7.5
Sox are currently sitting tied for first place in spite of missing two of their best players, and having Pedro be less than stellar. Pedro and Trot will be returning soon, and the bullpen has been downright dominant. That said, the Yankees have turned it around in a big way (no thanks to Oakland, who has sucked long and hard this year) and it looks like we're in for a dogfight. I'm not interested in bashing the Yankees, and Yanks fans can spare me the "april world series" and "sox will tank in October" comments, because I don't care. I love baseball and I'm loving this season already. Fuck off to the rest of you, and expect to see this thread after all the sox wins this season.
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hey i hear that the bosox are gonna go 164-0 even though theyve already lost games

so this thread will have plenty of posts teddy!

(ps i bought this live cd of a boston loving buncha faggots band that i love, and they play some dirty water song - is this like the bosox theme or something ?)

I dont understand how you can be excited in may about them being in first, or is there something i'm missing.
Has little to do with being all that excited about being in first, although it is better to be in first than not to be in first. This is just going to be a celebration of my fucking awesome hometown team.
i've been to fenway, very cool place to watch a game. I like how the place is really small, feels like you just walked into a small park.

Anyways i'm a longtime dodger fan and ya i'm happy, it's totally different year, they're in first. But it's just way too early to get all giddy. But then again, maybe it's cause your a red sox fan. so to u :clap:
Btw, if the Cubs and Bo Sox make it to the Series, I will cheer for the Cubs cause they are National League.
Hey, I don't care much for baseball but I know for sure Boston is one hell of choke town these days... Especially in baseball and hockey.
standings updated to reflect tonight's scores

blah blah blah blah, you can talk choke all you want, it is tired and inconsequential