Redneck/beerparty/ good came of it


Veteran XX
Cliffs cause thats bout all thats needed.

1.went to birthday party good people, guys gals, double wide bonfire trucks and some young buck that wore his 38 long revolver in a cowboy holster on his hip.

2.many good feelings and smiles at party but young buck with his USMC hat and his USMC shirt and his foolish i can twirl a loaded 6 gun inside of the hosts house well...thats ok....

3.gun went off. ( now whats is to note, is that I was paying close attention to everything around me as I always do, i was able to point out how the round went through ceiling and roof. The owner of the home was mad but...not much was made of it because he is a MASSIVE gun owner and saw that as no big deal. The people there-no big deal.)

4. personal reflection of it within 20 seconds of it happening was that I didn't flinch. I didn't even move an eye. I reflected immediately that I should have told him to act responsibly immediately but it did not register. I made an assumption that this young man had an unloaded weapon and had enough sense that twirling a loaded pistol was a risk. he felt terrible and i scolded him and i scolded myself. almost like the time i almost cut off my finger with a circ saw

5. I saw a total of 3 wrecks yesterday and 2 the day before that and on last monday I saw 3 wrecks. (wrecks = irresponsible car-manship)

6. I am exposed to more violence on the way to work than any time in my life as being a citizen of the USA.

that wasn't was the plunge.
I would of made him lock his gun in his car. I would not let someone in my house where alcohol is being served carrying a gun around.
so he's twirling his revolver around and it goes off and puts a round thru the guys roof and the owner doesn't care

so he's twirling his revolver around and it goes off and puts a round thru the guys roof and the owner doesn't care



The guy understood his stupidity and dropped his iron into a bed room.
(seems some missed the moral of the story)
I will not post for you now.
suppose I could try to get used to writing would've which is the proper way, but that would require me actually paying attention to something I have no interest in doing. I think I can live with my improperly written grammar.
wow this is the most white trash thread
I've never even seen a gun outside of video game