Red Sox vs Yankees 2007

Edit-> I didn't know Paplebon comes out to "Wild Thing" now. I wish they'd use the version of the song from the film though.

They started playing it last year when he was adding up the saves.

My favorite moment of the series was probably Crisp hitting that triple on Friday. Hopefully it is the beginning of more big hits for him.
Win or Lose, i thoroughly enjoy Red Sox v Yankees.

I'm not a real baseball fan, but being from Mass and being raised in the rivalry, one really can appreciate the drama and excitement the meeting of these two teams brings to fans.

I agree, I dont get too into it, but I always appreciate a good Red Sox v Yanks game/series.
I am a Yankee fan and even I will say that Dice-K is sick. If you have watched him pitch in every game this season odds are you wouldn't find him overrated. The movement on his pitches is just insane. He has so many options when dealing with hitters that in my opinion he will be one of the top pitchers in baseball. I suspect the Sox will find him worth damn near every dollar they payed for him.

Very true. I feel the people who think he is no good only watched Sunday's game. Keep in mind the Yankees lineup is hands down the best in baseball. Dice-K will only get better over time.