Red Chinese brutally serve American imperialists in Alaska

Did you know that Finland is not a part of NATO?

Your point?

F-35, F-18 Or European Jets? Handicapping Finland’s Fighter Competition.

You buy all military tech off the US and still US NATO as your defense

"On October 9, the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency authorized Finland to purchase dozens of Boeing BA -0.1% FA-18E/F Super Hornet or Lockheed LMT -0.9% F-35A Lightning II multi-role jet fighters."

Without the defensive bloc you would have been invaded years ago
Your point?

F-35, F-18 Or European Jets? Handicapping Finland’s Fighter Competition.

You buy all military tech off the US and still US NATO as your defense

"On October 9, the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency authorized Finland to purchase dozens of Boeing BA -0.1% FA-18E/F Super Hornet or Lockheed LMT -0.9% F-35A Lightning II multi-role jet fighters."

Without the defensive bloc you would have been invaded years ago

Who would have invaded us? The US has invaded more countries in any given decade than Russia has in its entire history. I'd be much more worried about the US invading us than Russia.
u need something of value to be invaded tho. so you prolly have nothing to fear.

They just found nine million tons of lithium in Finland, possibly more. That's the biggest discovery in Europe. The US has overthrown nations for far less.

Again, America is the world's top terrorist.
usa is the world's #1 terrorist like absent is tw's #1 troll

we're talking some srs low-t has been kind of stuff u kno

steadman's final inning
i luv that argument

"u can't hit me up 4 not paying membership dues on the club facilities that i'm using b/c i'm not a member of the club u jackass"
You know you guys buy Russian oil in US dollars right? :lol:

Sorry bro but America got you by the balls no matter what. Submit to emperor Biden.
this thread sure did go as planned


that said, us delegation should have stood up to those commie bastards and told them we dont take lectures from people who jail slave labor (the Uighurs) and shitting on freedom such as hong kong. if they want to talk shit about American Blacks, we'll be glad to xfer them all over and the commies can show us how equality works in their commie system.

China is breaking Hong Kong treaty with UK, says Boris Johnson | Hong Kong | The Guardian

instead, our new admin is more concerned with trying to silence anyone here in the US who isnt a democrat / progressive while demanding unity
Who would have invaded us? The US has invaded more countries in any given decade than Russia has in its entire history. I'd be much more worried about the US invading us than Russia.
And the US invaded all those countries for European nations benefit.

I watched the 'debate' shortly after it happened and yes, the US really dropped the ball. I think the Commie translator must have changed up what the Commie ambassador said and used a more... diplomatic language.

The Idiot in Chief is very under classed on the global stage. Not sure many foreign countries will take the US seriously anymore, as everyone on the planet knows he isn't of sound body and mind.