recordings questions


Veteran X
These are for a dev or anyone that has figured them out.

While viewing a recording, the camera often hangs for quite some time on your corpse instead of moving to your new respawned location. Is there any way, console or otherwise, to force the camera back on the newly respawned model?

And also, is there any way to change the fov for a recording playback? I hate having to watch them in 90 fov.

And someone please mod a working demo capture as well as some play controls. The ones that we were given in full release are just awful.
Do you think if I keep bumping this eternally that a dev will give me an answer? even if its just "There is no solution, its buggy as hell."?
mapmaker said:
Is this an official tribe forum site? Devs visit here and read threads?

Yes and if you look on the front page you will see a "dev tracker." Lets you find any post made by devs, cept for this guy welch character seeing that he is new.
some feedback,

1. still laggy for me, i hear there are ini stuff you can do to increase playback, but dunno why playback should be laggy when my gameplay while recording was smooth as hell.
2. you should be able to record zooms, i dont mind if peple can zoom while viewing, but part of demos is watching how people look and are situationally aware. t1 demos also recorded altering of zoom levels, so this would be another nice feature to have.
3. i noticed it recorded 3rd person toggles, great. leave that in there :).

is there also a convenience feature to disable all huds while viewing a demo?
Banditman said:
No, but there is a bug which will occasionally remove all HUD's from a demo.


hehe, that's exactly how development studios turn bugs into features.

i think its a convenience for movie making purposes, although yeah, for studying a game, you want your huds ;)