[RE] sharty, chronicling the Jason Kotz descent into insanity

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Veteran XX
Ladies, and gentlemen, Jason Kotz, serial rapist of the elderly from Chicago Illinois and his pathetic attempts to "troll me off of tribalwar"

This thread will serve as an open discussion to make fun of and ridicule this depraved, pathetic loser and lol at his ability to troll me.

Please feel free to fire away Jason, I am awaiting your response.
yes it is, it's quite silly, however I think it's important that Jason "serial rapist of the eldery in Chicago, Ill." Kotz behavior is shown to the rest of the denizens of tribalwar.

Here is an example of the quality of trolling I am on the receiving end of:

Private Message: hi tenhead

- 07-25-2013, 05:08 PM
Y did u come back u scraggly big headed reject? people wish u were ded

I wonder who the "butthurt" person is here?
Yeah I've been mostly veggie for a while, but since China I haven't been very strict, maybe meat once a week or a couple times a week, but let's stay on topic here.

Another example:


- 07-25-2013, 08:07 PM

U can ignore me all u want but ur still a gatherers faggot

I'm not even quite sure what a "gatherers faggot" is?

Care to chime in Jason Kotz serial rapist of the elderly from Chicago?
Wait, are you complaining that he made a smurf and sent you a pm with it? Is that your complaint?

So let me see if I got this straight, you finally hit rock bottom so bad in your real life in San Diego that you no longer have anything to lose, so now you have come back without fear.

is this right?
Also i recall Benjamin Little not really liking the fact that his name was being written on the forums. Yet he is calling out Jason Kotz, serial rapist of the elderly, from Chicago Illinois.
I've never actively done anything other than spam troll him on here he's gone into full meltdown twice and tried to go out of his way to attack me and bomb my name. This guy is a lunatic. I never pmed him anything. Wouldnt he at least investigate if it was me before making this thread.

Do I have to even get started on the crazy death threats he sent me? No wonder yara wanted him medicated.
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