rave in the library during exams week


I traded my soul for this title
Veteran XV
so we have this new tradition. it started by a few students organizing a flash mob a few years ago, in our undergraduate library, at midnight exactly, during exams week. the undergraduate library isnt that big of an area, but it was loud as fuck.

the university didnt know about it and freaked the fuck out, as about 800 people RAN into the library and started going nuts. campus security was called and all this but eventually they let it go because of how big it was.

it was so popular, they did it again..and again. the university embraces it, but its much larger now (around 4000), and takes up the entire bottom floor of our main library. i cant really explain how big of an area this is..its fucking huge.

anywhere heres the vid. the first minute or so sucks but it gets into it.

i will say that i did not participate in this, i was at the bar. but i thought the video was interesting. i do have a number of friends that went, though (one of the crowd surfers)
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Just goes to show you what today's determinied youth can accomplish when they set their minds to it.

you know


in one place

within walking distance of where they live
thats out of the question during this period. if the campus and cops dont stop it, then believe me a bunch of whiny fucks wont either


edit: FOURSTAR, nerdy has nothing to do with it. Some people are actually trying to get through finals week. I never said stop it, I just said I feel sorry for them.

Also Coupon Cutters cost you your job lol faggot.
I feel sorry for anyone who might actually, you know study in the library.
if some people tried to pull this shit while I had a big final exam the next morning, I would kick each one of their fucking asses until the rest realized it was unsafe and turned back.

Fucking inconsiderate faggots.
if some people tried to pull this shit while I had a big final exam the next morning, I would kick each one of their fucking asses until the rest realized it was unsafe and turned back.

Fucking inconsiderate faggots.

im pretty sure you would just smoke weed and not do anything
He would probably post about them on TW, then when they found out they would forward the thread to his boss. oh wait.
if some people tried to pull this shit while I had a big final exam the next morning, I would kick each one of their fucking asses until the rest realized it was unsafe and turned back.

Fucking inconsiderate faggots.
I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of the rave. Study somewhere else, nerdlinger.