Rating T1, T2, and TV from 1 to 10

I bought Tribes 2 as a blind purchase from the Sierra Bestsellers range.
I thought it was excellent, I got all my mates to buy it, one of whom I had many matches with, he has far surpassed me, never plays anymore though.

Then I got the MP Demo of Tribes Vengeance, I thought it was ace when I looked through all its bugs and flaws, I liked it as an action game alot!!

Then I decided to download Tribes 1 for free. I really enjoyed it, but the fact I found skiing incrediably hard on it, and the fact I couldn't get on a single server that wasnt heavily modded, it was still a pretty cool game.

Then Tribes Vengeance came, and with some more RAM, I saw that it was good


I just love Tribes!! Sue me!
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ZOD said:
Woah. Is this dissatisfaction with what you had to work with (T2), or dissatisfaction with your result (Classic)? Or both? JMO but I think you and z0dd gave the game a second wind it wouldn't have had without your work.
Tribes 1 - 10.0
Tribes 2 (at launch) - 3.5
Tribes 2 (post patching) - 6.0
T:V - 8.0 (assuming cheaters are contained)

T:V might sit well in the Starsiege universe, but it isn't really a TRIBES game.

Don't worry, it doesn't. It reminds me of a Tribes game, as far SP goes, because it's inane, uninspired and completely trivial in comparison to its own heritage.
T1 - 7 (Didn't really draw me in, don't know why)
T2 - 9 (had fun in base, had even more fun in classic)
T3 - 5 (still having fun, just isn't addictive at all)
T1 - 10. On an entirely different level.
T2 - 7. It had its highs and its lows.
T:V - 7 (TBD). We'll see. It has promise, assumming it survives long enough.