[RANT] Getting kicked out :-(

Damascus said:
Start shitting and pissing on the carpets and on her bed. She'll get the picture. Problem solved.
Actually, this is a great idea. The night before you're supposed to move to the other room, drink a shitton of water and Gatorade. Piss in all the back corners opposite the door to the room instead of getting up to go to the bathroom that night.

If she's going to be a pain, let her be a pain. Deny you have anything to do with the smell. Say you don't know how it got there, it showed up after Sis moved in.
In all fairness I like her boyfriend, just my sister is a manitpulative bitch :D

My mother is good to me, I do pay little rent due to my shitty apprentiship wage, but my sister uses this as an excuse for her to pay less.

Oh and I am NOT a chav which ever fucker said that
boo fuckin hoo ... if you dont like the decision your parents made to let your sister have your room ... move the fuck out. If you cant move out ... Shut the fuck up about it cause your doing the same fucking thing ... living off your parents generosity.

Their house ... their rules ... live with it or move out.