Radiology Appointment


Veteran XV
My back has been hurting for a long time so I went to the doc and he scheduled me for an x-ray. Since its my lower back they had to take the shots right by my man jewels. For one they even had to take the protective cover away to see the tailbone and I felt really naked and just had to wait for the radiation to spoil my fish. Hopefully they wil still work :scared:
I can top that. I was 12 it was x-mas eve. I woke up with the flu, and found out my folks had bought me a dirt bike for Christmas. Well I was sick as hell puking my ass off, and grandma decides I have appendicitis. So next thing I know I'm in the hospital on Christmas eve, my sister is out with my uncle dinging the fuck out of my new dirt bike. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse a giant doctor walks in and tells me he has to stick his sausage like finger in my ass...........I can't finish this story forget it gl with your back