Questions about Investing ???

You ought to read this but it is no skin off my chin if you don't.

Inflation or Deflation? 2

Assets valued in U.S. dollars can be a very unwise investment. You have to take purchasing power into consideration not just yield in dollars.

this is exactly why currency trading is better than asset backed securities. you're basically trading shares of countries instead of shares of companies.
Ok... I am wrapping up my first Macro Economics course. It was a 500 level course that my MBA curriculum had me take. The timing was pretty fortunate as we got to talk a lot about what has been going on as of late. All of this has got me thinking about wanting to invest in the stock market. Or to restate this, to begin learning how to invest in the stock market.

With that said, do you think it is worth the time and effort it takes to learn everything and then endlessly monitor the market? Or would I simply be better off letting someone else handle my money? As in, do you think they would earn a better (or similar) return than I could ultimately allowing me to spend my free time and brain cycles on smashing pussy and other personal hobbies I like to undertake.

In short, is it worth the effort?


I'm being completely serious. It's good some really helpful information, and it's a cheap book. Easy read etc etc.
one question I would ask you to consider when/if you invest in a mutual fund: how does the manager do in a down market such as the one we're seeing right now. large returns are great and all when things are going strong. Long term you need to ask that question because recovery time vs. build time can really suck if you're fully exposed and didn't move assets to cash. When moving to cash, of course then we get into the debate of market timing and types of shares you're buying.