Questions about Cosplay (and having sex with cosplay girls)

I'm sure fucking cosplay girls is no different than 85% of the rest of the female population.

It involves:
1) A little luck
2) A little bit more in the looks department
3) Even more alcohol

Given that these girls are already at a convention and looking to let loose you got #1 on your side. Work very hard on #2 (Remember its a go all out and don't be yourself think about being as metrosexual as possible for a weekend), and If you can somehow get them drunk or high (Ask them if they wannna get high and watch their favorite anime show...them break out the booze)

You should be straight. I dunno. You would really have to superfan yourself out as an anime character though to get with another super hot superfan dressed as her anime character.

Drugs and alcohol will be your best friend though. Guaranteed.

Why not just poison them... Take them back to your lair and fuck their bodies?
seems like you are going to go through an awful lot of trouble just to fuck some chick in a costume.

just go out and get laid by some whore you meet at a bar this weekend. she won't care about getting cum all over her slutty "costume"...
i would thrive at one of these.

wanna split a presidential suite nada? i'm sure if we're residing in the sickest hotel room I could pull about 4-8 girls a night...
I have years of con exp.

The girls who go to these are insane drama loving nerds. Think of that girl in high school who had to have a huge emotional meltdown every day and also be the center of everyone's attention. That's your typical girl cosplayer.

The men are 50/50. Half are just normal guys see it as an event much like Halloween. The other half is your male equivalent to the girls posted about above.

Most of the "hot" girls in this thread are not paid models. Many emotionally needy hot girls get into this because it's an easy way to feel superior to the lesser(majority) cosplay girls, and become something of a community celebrity. They get approached all the time with stuff like "Ive been to your website!" "I saw pics of you online before." and "Wernt you are ___con last year? I knew you looked familiar." Attention whores love this community because it's purely a who's who environment where everyone is judged based on rep.

In fact, the only time I was recognized IRL as being Reggs from the internet was at an anime con.

This is pretty much it exactly. I hate to emptyquote so I'll add that the Lillith chick is married and one of the few who isnt completely insane. The others already know how hot they are and it goes to their head. The chick dressed as Cammy has (had?) a softcore porn site (Alisa Kiss) and the one time I met her I got the impression she had the personality of a bag of gravel.

It's fun to do this kinda thing a few times but in the past 10 years the average age at these cons has tanked into the low teens. The pictures you're finding are the vast minority and the odds continue to get worse. I strongly advise that you enjoy "look but don't touch", simply because it just wouldn't be worth your time in the long run.
Think of it as a challenge. It actually sounds quite entertaining. Trying to get laid at a anime convention by something other than an orge in a sailor moon outfit.
Looking at sexy women in sexy clothing is fucking weird to you?

..... ok.....

What do you look at? Armadillos fucking trees?

warning: PK isn't really into cosplay, but understands the reason people like it in that there are sexy women wearing sexually revealing clothing that might otherwise invoke sexual thoughts of the sexual nature.

This post is not being mocked enough. It is weird as can be...
"PK isn't really..."

Not to mention TPK's Asian obsession.

fei valentine from cowboy beebop