[question] Banned users and why?


Veteran X
As TW quietly slips into adolescence (or old age, if you prefer intarweb chronology) ,I'm curious - how many people have been banned in the history of TW? And why? Some history would be a rather amusing way to look back at 7+ years of TW.

e.g. MaxxCarnage was banned at the end of the epic HOF thread where he posted pics of his ex-sextoy as revenge, her profile on MySpace gets jacked with said pics, legal threats ensue, Faggotry to the Maxx is unleashed, and he hooks back up with the sextoy?

Yes, I know, :ofn2: But inquiring minds want to know.
Seriously, there are over 500 banned users and I don't have logs for why each of them was banned. There is no way I'm going through 500 people to make a list.
For some reason I dont think Maxx got permabanned...I think he just kinda drifted away from tw.
maxx got banned. mav got banned. Kimrari got bannned (he was great). mstrike was banned in a poll i believe. those are some of the notable names.
Seriously, there are over 500 banned users and I don't have logs for why each of them was banned. There is no way I'm going through 500 people to make a list.

No need to go through them all. Maybe just the highlights (aka the ones you remember.)