question about transfering chars to different account


Veteran XX
So my wife and I have been playing together since beta. We where thinking about moving one of her alts to my account for the sake of being able to play at the same time as her main. Problem is we have our own names on each account, though both have the same address and CC info. Is there any way to transfer the accounts without getting a 3rd account? We don't really feel like paying for another copy of the game + another monthly fee. I know several of you have transfered characters like this, was hoping someone could fill me in on the details of how it works.
last name is her maiden name. account was created before we got married. Can she change the name on her account to reflect her name change? in the account management you can't edit the account name.
I would suggest calling blizz support, and asking for a name change. I dont see why they wouldnt allow you to change it considering she has been married. Just give them some bullshit that you want the account name to match the credit card or w/e.
Can she change the name on her account to reflect her name change?

Yep, as others said it just requires proof of marriage. IIRC they want 2 pieces of ID with the maiden name, proof of marriage, and 2 pieces with the new last name. I may be off on that though
Be careful. Changing names / secret question on the account usually flags it for inspection, which just basically means they'll be watching you!