Question about Paul Begala


A Democrat for Life²
Veteran X
Today's the first time I've watched Crossfire on CNN in quite a while. Quite frankly, it sucks. But for those who watch regularly, is Paul Begala's "I'm a Southerner" shtick new? I don't recall hearing a fake accent when I last listened to him. Many thanks.
i dunno if i would say its completely new... though i might say hes really trying to play it up lately...
Maniacal said:
i dunno if i would say its completely new... though i might say hes really trying to play it up lately...

It was really painful to watch.
Ok so it's been confirmed to me on good authority that the accent is, in fact, fake. Thanks e-buddies.
Isn't he a southernor? If so, then how was it confirmed fake? I'm a southernor, and while it seems like he's trying to use more catchphrases like Carville, I'd hardly call it fake.
I watch the first 5 minutes of Crossfire daily for thier Political Alert, which is a pretty good segment, basically they try to out spin each other. Depending on the main topic, I usually watch a full episode every 2 weeks.

Paul Begala, I didn't know he had an "I'm a Southerner" shtick. Carville has the "I'm a Southerner" shtick if anybody, he really is southern but he just overdoes it.

Novak and Begala are complete cock suckers. At least Carville doesn't try to deny hes a partisan pig. Carlson is the most sane of the bunch and could actually be a good spokesperson for the right if he didn't dress and act like a complete douchebag.
AgnoStick said:
Carville has the "I'm a Southerner" shtick if anybody, he really is southern but he just overdoes it.

Novak and Begala are complete cock suckers. At least Carville doesn't try to deny hes a partisan pig.

Carville's Cajun thing is definitely the real deal. I can normally handle Begala, but the fake accent thing was just too much. Plus he threw in a bunch of stupidass cliches that he apparently thought someone from the South might use. And yes, both Novak and Begala are cocksuckers.
He was just saying stuff like "are you pissin on my boots and tryin to tell me it's rainin?"

Most of the stuff he said I've had uncles say, I find it odd for stone to be critiqueing his southern, are you a southernor stone?