Query/Request - Multiple reticles

Of course it's possible. Engayge is clueless. He starts deleting shit when he can't get something to work.
Make the .png reticles and I'll write the code. You could convert the mhud reticles too but they're sized for lower resolutions so you'd have to adjust them if you want the rangefinders to be accurate.

Named them according to which weapon I want bound to it. Thanks!

Woops forgot about base. Could you bind the grenade reticle to mortar aswell and then everything else to the other reticle (awsome sentence)?
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  • Make folder called RetHud and put it in your modules folder.
  • Save the code below as RetHud.acs.cs and put in RetHud folder.
  • Save images and put in RetHud folder.
  • Make your stock H_Reticle.png blank if you don't want to see it. If you turn it off you also lose IFF.

// Reticle hud for Tribes 1.40


$RetImage[11] = "ChainRet"; // Blaster
$RetImage[13] = "ChainRet"; // ChainGun
$RetImage[15] = "ChainRet"; // Plasma Gun
$RetImage[17] = "NadeRet"; // Grenade Launcher
$RetImage[19] = "NadeRet"; // Mortar
$RetImage[21] = "ChainRet"; // Disc
$RetImage[22] = "ChainRet"; // Laser Rifle
$RetImage[23] = "ChainRet"; // Target Laser
$RetImage[24] = "ChainRet"; // Elf Gun
$RetImage[25] = "ChainRet"; // Repair Gun

function RetHud::Init() {
	Hud::New( "Ret_Hud", 0, 0, 64, 128, RetHud::Wake, RetHud::Sleep );
	newObject("Ret_Img", FearGuiFormattedText, 0, 0, 64, 128);
	Hud::Add( "Ret_Hud", "Ret_Img" );

function RetHud::Wake() {

function RetHud::Sleep() {
	Schedule::Cancel( "Ret_Hud" );

function RetHud::Update() {
	control::setValue( "Ret_Img", "<b0,2:modules\\RetHud\\" @ $RetImage[ getmounteditem( 0 ) ] @ ".png>" );
	Schedule::Add( "RetHud::Update();", $RetHud::UpdateTime, "Ret_Hud" );


Save Image As ChainRet.png

Save Image As NadeRet.png
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I have another query.

1.Is it possible to create something (this would obviously not be client side) that would make disks shoot in a curve?

2. Is it possible to make the convexity/concavity of the curve based on how much to 'swing' your disk launcher just before you shoot?

Plas I'm lookin at you.