Queen Elizabeth Dead

End of an era, will be interesting to see how Charles III gets on with the job.

She'll be missed, I think she did a good job despite not being able to just have people beheaded anymore.

RIP Elizabeth, Long live the King.
End of an era, will be interesting to see how Charles III gets on with the job.

She'll be missed, I think she did a good job despite not being able to just have people beheaded anymore.

RIP Elizabeth, Long live the King.

What did she do a good job of? Leeching off the taxpayers? Making the public foot the bill for the legal defense of her pedo sons? Manipulating the Parliament for her family's benefit?

Ding dong, the witch is dead.
Ding dong belongs to Maggie Thatcher. I'm also bringing that tune to my sister in laws funeral
woke cultists are already celebrating the death of this white supremacist colonizer

I don't follow what this person below is saying. I'm not going to engage in convo with them. I looked them up. Chinese descent born in Malaysia, living Sydney Australia. Has 36 points on this comment and no replies. On Rebbit under the queen is dead thread. In reply to a mod (It think) with a sticky saying don't be nasty towards the human being queen Lizzy.

I’ve noticed that this sub is happy to call out overt racism whenever someone posts a video of someone attacking them for their race, but is silent in acknowledging the systemic racism that has been and continues to be perpetrated by the colonial genocidal regime that is white Australia. And POC and particularly First Nations peoples are expected to keep silent in their grief and anger to avoid making white Australia uncomfortable so that they do not need to acknowledge that they are living off of the riches of colonialists that participated in genocide.

There are at least two things I find strange.

that is white Australia

Current tense. Implying whites are currently doing this. None else just the whites. Not yellow or browns just whites.

and the last/2nd sentence

...avoid making white Australia uncomfortable so that they do not need to acknowledge that they are living off of the riches of colonialists that participated in genocide.

Current tense again. Only whites are "living off of the riches of colonialists that participated in genocide" Like wtf? yellows and browns aren't.. or is this person implying that all the whites here are descendants of the early colonies? They could actually think this. My self and most my friends backgrounds are Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Italian, Greek and Maltese. What the hell has that got to do with the British? All our parents or grandparents got here in the last couple of generations. Not unlike some fuckwit who calls himself Chinese but was born n Malaysia and lives here?

I'm not going to argue with this dickhead, and I understand there is enough right wing echo chamber to just say yah he's a dick head... but eh some of you apologists could maybe explain what this guy's angle is?

Cause I think he's angle seems very much like any non-white should band together in justified hatred of anyone white. I think he's a racist fuck and should have his balls cut off for not being woke enough.

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Poor Brits are being put into forced mourning. Sports cancelled. Still have to go to work, but be sad. Proles must mourn their leader. Enter the commemorative plates and tea towels. North Korea ain't got shit on Britain's cult of personality.
you have original sin and you need to unmake the systems and institutions that white people made based on original sin

its a weirdo cultist revisionist history that you cant crack. they are trained seals just repeating lines from their cult leaders

the woke meltdown over COLONIALISM is…remarkably hilarious.

youd think queen elizabeth was responsible for slavery and slaughtering indians.
I need to get one of them diseases Michael Jackson had that made him white but I need the one to make me blacker.

I might even get some free shit. I'm entitled to SFA.

Bring on the communism and equality. All this competition stuff is clearly a failed concept. Everyone should be equal. Nicknames and handles are not equal. We should just have random numbers. It's more equal.

From now on I only want to be known as "48384783".
Sad to see a white cultural figurehead go. People are happy because jews have conditioned them to hate and destroy their own culture.

Mark my words, if Harry's mystery meat miscegenation baby was still a royal the left would cool their jets on destroying the monarchy. They want whites to idolize non-whites. And some brown mutt even being a royal is just a fuck you to all white English.
Prince Charles could have chosen the name King Arthur if he wanted to, that would have been cool.
Sad to see a white cultural figurehead go. People are happy because jews have conditioned them to hate and destroy their own culture.

Mark my words, if Harry's mystery meat miscegenation baby was still a royal the left would cool their jets on destroying the monarchy. They want whites to idolize non-whites. And some brown mutt even being a royal is just a fuck you to all white English.

"Leftism is a mental disorder for brainwashed idiots!"

*reggs has entered the chat*

*awkward shuffling*