[public bathroom soap]foam soap[sucks]

Had to stop at a rest stop on Sunday because the baby was crying while we were driving home from the in-laws. When I went to use the bathroom I encountered a column of shit 4 feet high. It extended out of the toilet at least two feet above the seat.

I am still trying to figure out the how and the why.

Many men climbed up on that crock of Gibraltor to make a contribution to a noble cause. If you looked hard enough, you could almost separate the different textures of the fecal matter of the many patrons who made that fine work of art. The mixture of various fecal odors probably resembled a Chinese restaurant's trash can.
i tried an airblade for the first time like 3 weeks ago and i was in awe.

it was ballin.

my friends agreed.
Many men climbed up on that crock of Gibraltor to make a contribution to a noble cause. If you looked hard enough, you could almost separate the different textures of the fecal matter of the many patrons who made that fine work of art. The mixture of various fecal odors probably resembled a Chinese restaurant's trash can.

each segment tells a story