[PSA] The Sleepy Effect

The earlier you detect a capper the easier it is to stop them, i will post a demo of my chasing efforts if you like, and you will see how often a non hacker zooms into areas where cappers are known to come from.
perm iffs are basically a big fuck you to LO, you can completely ignore them or duel and kill them and respawn in time, whatever you want because you can see the entire pace of the game.
what how does having a huge happyflag help the defender other than seeing where flag is 2 chase??

LO doesnt have flag how does it work

do all player get bigger 2 so ez 2 cee?
U r newbie shutup

U can learn incoming route directions without perm iffs u retard

Didn't say you couldn't was just making the point it makes it easier if you have perm iff'ed before.

But your opinion deosnt count anyways you don't even play tribes anymore, so please stfu and fuck off from this thread k thnx
Didn't say you couldn't was just making the point it makes it easier if you have perm iff'ed before.

But your opinion deosnt count anyways you don't even play tribes anymore, so please stfu and fuck off from this thread k thnx

Perm iffs don't mean shit when it comes to that

if u don't know the angles and directions after playing the same three maps for the past however many years, you should be allowed to cheat for being such a massive retard.

Damn u r dumb

Ppl as dumb as u cheat...they have no common sense and think a player needs perm iffs to figure out route directions

U should gtfo of this thread 4 being so dumb...maybe quit tribes too
also drgon it is blatantly clear that u have no idae what ur t alking about

anyway i dont know why green is so focused on knowing where cappers are coming from it is simply having the timing to be looking right there as soon as they come into vision

basically he can look around very slowly left and right (a lot like snows demos) but then despite lookign around very little he manages to be looking the right way when the person comes into vision

anyone who has played chase a lot knows that oyu have to look around pretty damn often and you'll still miss cappers from time to time

it is funny though because several times people will be out of vision and he isn't sure so he'll hang staring in that direction and realize he's not coming yet and then look the other side

so you start to see people hang more on the side that the capper is coming and give a token dummy look to the other side then back to the correct side

one thing that sf did when he was cheating was that he would change the angle he was looking at depending on how wide the capper was coming.

someone was running the DS east route from different angles and depending on how far wide (the front route that bounces off the hill, the one that comes over the hill, and the old base nat route where you dj way the fuck oob)

normally he'd jsut stand int he door and look forward but if the capper did the long nat route he would start looking straight left but if the capper wasn't (either short e or from the w) then he would give a token look forward then look right

he never traced people through walls but he would, without looking around very much, be looking in the right direction when the person comes over fog

this is ignoring the fact that in hurried situations sleepy will make blind shots on stand because he didnt have time to pretend to look and see the capper coming

anyway if u do not understand this then there is nothing more i can say, there are a more behaviors like this that you can look for but i don't want to give them all away in a post to teach people how to cheat better