[Programming] Anyone have any good resources for Auto Pilot?

im going to have to agree with happy though, the only reason java was good was because it was pre packaged in windows in the day and did new state of the art shit, I dont understand why soo many people are soo damn impressed with it. Its a piece of shit imho.

you have to install the shit on your pc on top of installing the java coded program?? WOW awesome......
yeh because no matter what program you write in c or vb you have to install that shit....

i see what your saying but your not seeing what im saying..

everything that made java soo awesome was in the shit you installed before hand which is nothing amazing. Java is popular because it was the right place at the right time and no one seems to understand that. Its not a good language
you're speaking like someone who hasn't actually coded in java ever

i see nothing but grandstanding and 'it sucks'

give me real reasons (and do not include the stupid bullshit oracle has done lately which def sucks)
happy is correct though, java is the fucking worst.

i have no idea what auto pilot is....sounds like chef or puppet - configuration management
if u want why i hate it besides of how much everyone loves it without understanding the difference other then the interweb has java..

i think the memory management is utter shit to deal with.
I'm a programmer and I am not overly negative or pessimistic. I have nothing else to contribute to this thread, though.

However, question: For software licensing, should I buy some third party software to generate and manage keys, key lifetimes, key validations, etc or is it worth it do implement this myself?
java pros
- the provided standard API is pretty and structured
- fine as an interface language. such as for game logic.

java cons
- any language can have a pretty and structured standard API even C and perl.
- its a virtualized sandbox therefore automatically slower and more wasteful
- the VM tech itself is inferior to the competition, such as .net
- write once/run anywhere is a myth
- modern hardware being so fast that "performance isnt an issue" is a java tard's #1 excuse and yet another myth
- breeds shitty engineers who grow too dependent on the sandbox environment and become oblivious to performance and hardware considerations.
- oracle's management of java is awful: security holes, endless update nags, etc
- due to the above it fails for any real applications
- even if cpu/memory were infinite it would suck due to various language restrictions
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oracle def handling it terribly


but yes the api and especially their OOP structure is what i liked about it lots when i used it
I don't know anything about programming but god damn happy you have to be pushing 30 by now.

Did you grow right out of your cynical teenage years into your grumpy old man years? You're a fucking whiny bitch lately, even by tw standards.
no youre right everything is awesome and great.... let us all suckle on the cock of delusion then bathe in its fountain of failure :sunny:
that would be the API part... props to that. it did influence my C++ style/design for the better as well.
It's a Microsoft thing, it's all part of the cloud nonsense. It's pretty new. It's what Bing runs on I think. It isn't really a programming language, it's more a datacenter management system. It's not the programs themselves but more how to make them work better with a system like this that interests me.