Profanity Filter?


Veteran XV
Been gone for a while doing some remodeling on the house, finally got my PC back up and running. Now when I log in there's some kind of stupid profanity filter.

Is this new?

How shut off?
Scroll to the bottom of this page and select 'projectTriton Liquid' from the drop down menu.
filter is off in the 'proper' way to view TW

log out, delete cookie and log back in will probably fix it
Scroll to the bottom of this page and select 'projectTriton Liquid' from the drop down menu.

if ur a shitlord noob, sure

otherwise u can use PROPER TRIBALWAR LIQUID on a proper browser in a proper operating system and u will b wondering wat all these bonzi buddy having nooblord faggots are on about
ok, i'll just be up front about it

project triton is basically the equivalent of white plates in colorado

it means u showed up after the party ended and ur guilty as hell for supporting the ppl who killed the party

it means ur from the okie genetic line that created a gigantic, unprecedented shitstorm (the dust bowl) b/c u knew better than them fancy academics and established farmers who'd been studying agriculture for millennia, ran away from ur mess, raped and destroyed california during the 1930s thru 1970s, then started running away from that mess to oregon/washington/arizona/nevada/colorado

it means u have a very special VIP room in hell w/ all the other monosyllabic vocabulary sort of shitheads who refer to numbered highways as "the *number here*"
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